1 Alphabet Grid Game How To 1 ©-LHA-PFA-V
2 1.Hand out sheets – face down 2.Give instructions; Do not turn over until instructed Sheet contains alphabet A to Z Objectives are to pick out all the letters in sequence Run 1; Underscore each letter in sequence Time allotted 20 seconds Instruct delegates to turn over page and start timing Ask each delegate how far they got Write up scores on a flipchart Run 2; As above this time overscore each letter Time allotted 20 seconds Ask each delegate how far they got Write up scores on a flipchart Run 3 – Use Gridlines (ask delegates to join up dots to form a grid); As above this time circle each letter Time allotted 20 seconds Ask each delegate how far they got Run 4; As above this time put a X over each letter Time allotted 15 seconds Discuss Key Learning Points
3 Learning 1.With experience performance gets better 2.With some guidance and structure can achieve a lot more by learning from ‘experience’ 3.Using simple tools and techniques can be powerful e.g. gridlines
4 Batch V Flow Game
5 Why do we need a change in thinking ? Our mental faculties organise things according to Functions and Departments It seems common sense to perform like activities together, in batches, because this will be efficient. We ensure everybody is kept busy and all equipment is kept running. Batch v Flow Exercise
6 BatchFlow V Activity to compare a 4 step process Batch of 10 Batch of 5 Single piece flow
7 BatchFlow V Step 1 Step 3 Step 2 Step 4 Batch of 10 Each step must process all 10 sheets. Move sheet from person to person to represent process. How long will it take to process all 10 sheets through all 4 stages? Rules- One handed One sheet at a time Sign each sheet
8 Step 1 Step 3 Step 2 Step 4 Batch of 5 Process the first 5 sheets then move onto the remaining 5 sheets. How long will it take to process all 10 sheets through all 4 stages? Same rules BatchFlow V
9 Step 1 Single piece flow Each step must process all 10 sheets. Move sheet from person to person to represent process. How long will it take to process all 10 sheets through all 4 stages? Same rules Step 2Step 3Step 4 BatchFlow V
10 Learning points Same people! Same Process! A change to the batch size and layout typically 2/3 less time Quality batch of 10, a rework of ( ) then rework=62 steps Delivery/Flexibility/Cashflow Typically 1/3 of the original production time. First Part Through Speed of response, massive reduction in waiting time Why doesn’t everybody do it? Waste! BatchFlow V
11 Toyota Quote Value Vs. Waste “All we are doing is looking at the time line from the moment a customer gives us an order to the point when we collect the cash. And we are reducing that time line by removing the non-value-added waste.” Toyota Production System