4’th Oersted International Science Team Conference British Geological Survey, United Kingdom Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp., USA Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics Centre d'Etude des Environnements Terrestre et Planétaires Centre Nationale d'Etude Spatiale, France Danish Meteorological Institute Danish Space Research Institute ECMWF, United Kingdom ESA/ESTEC, Holland Finnish Meteorological Institute GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Germany Geological Survey of Canada German Aerospace Center (DLR) Harvard University, USA Hermanus Magnetic Observatory, South Africa IFAC-CNR, Italy INGV - Geomagnetism, Italy Inst. Atm. Phys., University of Arizona, USA Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France The Ørsted Satellite Peter Stauning. Danish Meteorological Institute. February 'th Oersted International Science Team Conference IDA Conference Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark Monday 23 - Friday 27, September, 2002 The OIST-4 Conference was arranged jointly by The Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI). The Danish Space Research Institute (DSRI), The Danish Technical University (DTU), and Copenhagen University (CU), The Ørsted Conference arrangement was sponsored by The Central Organization of Industrial Employees, Confederation of the Danish Industries, The Society of Danish Engineers, and The Danish Space Research Advisory Board The OIST-4 Conference had these 6 main themes: Mapping and modelling of main magnetic field. Includes modelling and interpretation of time varying core field (geo-dynamo), crustal static anomaly fields (Lithosphere), induction fields, and comprehensive modelling of all sources. Mapping and modelling of currents in space. Includes modelling and interpretation of field-aligned currents (FAC) at high, medium and low latitudes, ionospheric currents, ring current, tail and boundary currents. Ionospheric sounding by GPS-based methods. Includes profiling techniques and results, and assimilation of GPS data in regional or global ionospheric models. Atmospheric sounding by GPS-based methods. Includes profiling techniques and results, and assimilation of GPS data in regional or global atmospheric models, numerical weather forecast models and climate models. Advanced instrumentation. Includes state-of-the art techniques for Star Imager, Magnetometer, and Precision GPS Receiver satellite instrumentation. New satellite missions. Includes approved or planned satellite missions with star imager, magnetometer or GPS instrumentation. Ohio State University, USA Raytheon ITSS at GSFC/NASA, USA Sejong University, Korea Southern Illionois University Carbondale, USA SPbF IZMIRAN, Russia Telespazio S.p.A. Earth Obs. Program, Italy Texas A&M University, USA The Florida State University, GFDI, USA TRW Systems & Information Technology Group, USA University of Bath, United Kingdom University of California at San Diego, USA University of Graz, Austria University of Leipzig, Germany University of Michigan, USA University of Newcastle, United Kingdom University of Sydney, Australia U.S. Air Force Research Lab, Hanscom, USA Ørsted-DTU, Denmark Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics; Austria Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology, Armenia Institute for Geophysics, Astrophysics and Met., Austria Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulc., Italy IZMIRAN, Russia Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA JPL/Caltech, USA JPL, NASA, USA Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute Kyoto University, Japan La Trobe University, Australia Leeds University, United Kingdom Magnametrics, Canada Max-Planck Institute für Aeronomie, Germany Met. Office, United Kingdom Mission Research Corp., USA NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, USA NBI, Copenhagen University Institutions participating in the 4’th Oersted Insternational Science Team Conference held in Copenhagen Exhibition ”Ørsted-to- Ørsted held during OIST-4. Right: Ørsteds original compass. Below: Overview of exhibition