N. Summary Phil Hinz Principal Investigator
Performance N-2
Compliance Matrix PLRA Section Success Criteria March 2014 Now (ORR) End of SVP In-Guide Plan (FY17) With Lien (FY18) L04.3 A: 10 better 2.8 better12 better24 better L04.3B: Inform missions 6 zodi median 1.13 zodi median 0.51 zodi median 0.50 zodi median L14.1.2C: 6-zodi, 1 σ 54 zodi12 zodi6 zodi L14.1.4D: 50 stars in 4 yrs L24.1.4E: 0.3 mJy sens. 0.4 mJy 0.3 mJy L F: 1.5 null stb 1800 ppm400 ppm150 ppm L24.1.4G: 30% efficiency 30%32%40% N-3 Red = not compliant Blue = compliant, assuming in-guide completion Orange = compliant with ORR criteria, but not PLRA Green = compliant with PLRA
Current Performance Summary We have demonstrated – 0.4 mJy photometric uncertainty – 400 ppm null uncertainty – 32% efficiency per pointing The analysis of mean zodi-sensitivity for the current instrument performance and HOSTS sample is 11 zodi for the in-guide plan N-4
HOSTS Survey Will Inform the Design of a Future NASA Space Mission We identified 68 good LBTI targets There is great overlap between good LBTI targets and future space mission targets N-5
“HOSTS Plan Is Consistent with Science Scope” N-6 Typical Zodi Measurement Uncertainty per Star (1 ) Uses star-dependent null uncertainty, including –Null floor = 350 ppm (irreducible, 400 ppm for 7 Jy star) –Photometric null error Uses best 32 stars from the HOSTS target list –Mean uncertainty is 10.3 zodi Number Stars Observed
Science Validation Summary We have defined a list of tasks to execute over the next 6–9 months to address – Improved data acquisition approaches – Sensitivity improvements – PWV impact – Continued vibration improvement The planned performance improvements are sufficient to meet the threshold requirements – The modeled performance is not precise, and provides some level of risk to achieving the threshold performance N-7
Operation and Survey Plans N-8
LBT Is Ready to Support LBTI HOSTS Survey All LBT systems have been functioning during LBTI commissioning block – Addressed maintenance issues with adaptive optics without impact to LBTI commissioning – Worked systems-level issues with LBTI to completion – Added engineering nights prior to LBTI runs to demonstrate readiness with margin for corrective action LBT has demonstrated it is ready to support LBTI HOSTS survey N-9
Science Operations Summary N-10
NExScI Readiness Summary N-11 PLRA IDDescriptionStatusComment Data formats, interface to UA, NExScI archive ✔ Archive will be made public following ORR board report Archive dev frozen after ORR until FY16 due to funding invested instead in additional resources towards instrument commissioning success Data still expected to evolve during SVP Level of funding supports only minor archive modifications post public release HOSTS Science Team selection and activities ✔ Project Scientist functions ✔ Management oversight at NExScI ✔ Deferred to end of SVP 3.4Data rights and data to be archived ✔ LEECH work deferred to FY16 Other modes pending GO program decision 4.2Types of data products and timeliness of transfers. Data Management Plan ✔
Data Analysis Pipeline Is in Place N-12 Level 1 DATA REDUCTION Level 3 DATA INTERPRETATION Level 2 DATA CALIBRATION Raw L0 files Level 2 FITS files Science results Level 1 FITS files Level 0′ FITS files 3 log files: - Master log - Data log - Reduction log Diagnostic plots: - Reduction: ~80/OB - Calibration: ~20/night See description in Rafael’s presentation
Current Risk Summary N-13
LBTI Self-Assessment The LBTI project has demonstrated both the performance and the operational readiness to carry out the HOSTS survey A plan is in place to provide additional improvements to the current performance Execution of the HOSTS survey will provide an important deliverable to NASA for planning future exo-Earth missions We are excited to begin the survey! N-14