Millennium Challenge Account Zambia Reducing Poverty Through Economic Growth LUSAKA WATER SUPPLY, SANITATION AND DRAINAGE PROJECT Environmental, Social, Health and Safety Requirements for CP10 Presented at the Pre-bid Conference 31 st March, /03/ Twikatane Rd, off Addis Ababa Drive 1
Presentation Outline Objective MCC Environmental Guidelines IFC Performance Standards MCA Zambia Environmental, Social & Community Engagement Policy IFB Environmental, Social, Health and Safety Requirements 31/03/152
Objective 31/03/153 The objective is to ensure that bidders are aware of the environmental, social, health and safety requirements in the IFB. This is in order for you to prepare and submit responsive bids.
MCC Environmental Guidelines MCC Environmental Principle: support projects that are environmentally sound – are not likely to cause a significant environmental, health, or safety hazard MCC Environmental Guidelines state that Projects will be “developed and implemented in a manner consistent with the (IFC) Performance Standards” The Guidelines also ensure that the Program complies with all national environmental laws and regulations, licenses and permits,… 31/03/154
IFC Performance Standards IFC Performance Standards: There are 8 IFC Performance Standards (PS) covering environment, social, health and safety issues; 1.PS1: Assessment & Management of Environmental & Social Risks and Impacts, 2.PS2: Labour and Working Conditions, 3.PS3: Resource Efficiency & Pollution Prevention, Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) General Guidelines EHS Guidelines for Sectors (Water & Sanitation, Hazardous Materials & Waste Management) 4.PS4: Community Health, Safety & Security, 5.PS5: Land Acquisition & Involuntary Resettlement, 6.PS6: Biodiversity Conservation & Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources, 7.PS7: Indigenous Peoples, 8.PS8: Cultural Heritage 31/03/155 _social_performance_standards
MCA - Zambia Environmental, Social & Community Engagement Policy Prioritize health and safety in all of our work Based on the identification of risks, impacts and opportunities, develop and implement mitigation plans and proactive measures that enhance benefits and opportunities, as well as avoid or minimize negative impacts to staff, affected communities and the natural and built environment Comply with environmental and social standards of the Compact, and all applicable Zambian laws and regulations. 31/03/156 Link:
IFB Section III: Bid Review, Evaluation Criteria & Bidder Qualification Requirements 31/03/157 IFB Environmental, Social, Health & Safety Requirements a)2.4.4 Environmental & Social Management Experience b)2.4.5 Health & Safety Management Experience
IFB Environmental, Social, Health & Safety Requirements IFB Section IV: Bidding Forms 1)Form Tech 1 Method Statement 31/03/158 Item (c): Statement demonstrating Bidder’s appreciation and recognition of current conditions of site and arrangements needed to minimize disruption during the execution of the Works. Item (d): Description of the risks to safety within site limits and surrounding areas created by the execution of Works and measures to mitigate risk to all site personnel including the general public.
Item (g): Description of arrangements which the Bidder proposes to adopt to address the need for phased relocation of peoples and properties located within the limits of site and phased right of access to, and possession of the Site. 31/03/159 IFB Environmental, Social, Health & Safety Requirements Item (h): Description of arrangements which the Bidder proposes to adopt and has included in the Bid to ensure compliance with the environmental, social, gender, health and safety requirements called for in the Technical Specifications. IFB Section IV: Bidding Forms 1)Form Tech 1 Method Statement
IFB Environmental, Social, Health & Safety Requirements IFB Section IV: Bidding Forms 2)Form Tech 2 Environmental, Social, Gender, Health & Safety Staffing and Methodology 31/03/1510 Item (a): Describe proposed environmental, social, health, safety, and gender staffing, roles and responsibilities, and management structure. Item (b): Describe proposed approach to systematically manage environmental, social, health, and safety risks and impacts during implementation of this project, including description of mitigation measures that will be used.
31/03/1511 IFB Environmental, Social, Health & Safety Requirements IFB Section IV: Bidding Forms 3) Form Tech 3 Program Item (b): Details of the proposed schedule to complete mobilization in preparation for carrying out the Works. ESGHS Staff must be mobilized early, in advance of site installation, to start; the CESMP, CHSMP and HIV/AIDS awareness program planning which must be in place and approved within twenty-eight (28) days of the start of the contract and before construction can begin.
31/03/1512 IFB Environmental, Social, Health & Safety Requirements IFB Section IV: Bidding Forms 3) Form Tech 3 Program Item (a): Details of the proposed schedule for preparation of the work program, site-specific Contractor’s Environmental and Social Management Plan, site-specific Health and Safety Management Plan, …including the review and approval by the Engineer.
IFB Section IV: Bidding Forms 4)Form Tech 5 Project Management Organization – Key Personnel Capabilities to meet academic qualifications & experience requirements. For Key Personnel CVs use Form Tech 7 format. The environmental and health and safety staff present until close of construction to participate effectively in the preparation of documents during handover. 31/03/1513 IFB Environmental, Social, Health & Safety Requirements
IFB Section V: Works Requirements – Technical Specifications Technical Specifications represent the core of the bidding document as it is this section of the bidding document that details out what is being procured...and exactly how a product, system or component must be built. Very prescriptive and leave little or no latitude to the contractor. 31/03/1514 IFB Environmental, Social, Health & Safety Requirements
IFB Section V: Works Requirements – Technical Specifications Chapter 1 Technical Specification Clauses; 158 (Site Health & Safety), 119 (Resettlement – RCOI clearing by the contractor and in-kind replacement of structures and facilities), 161 (Environmental & Social Monitoring & Protection), and 163 (HIV-AIDS Prevention) clearly articulate key requirements necessary for the works. Items specified in the contract, including these environmental, social, health and safety-related clauses in the Technical Specifications, will be contractually binding obligations on the part of the contractor. 31/03/1515
IFB Section V: Works Requirements – Technical Specifications The winning Contractor shall be required to prepare a site- specific “Contractor’s ESMP and a site-specific HSMP. Materials needed for reference, among others; Technical Specifications, Framework for Contractor’s ESMP, MCC Health & Safety manual, Applicable country laws and regulations, including the ZEMA Decision Letter for Drainage Projects. 31/03/1516 IFB Environmental, Social, Health & Safety Requirements
Technical Specifications: Clause 123 Work within the marked corridor. Where damage or interference is occasioned to crops, trees, buildings etc, the owner shall be compensated by the Contractor Technical Specifications: Clause 140 Be reminded blasting and use of explosive materials is forbidden for all excavation for the work including rock removal Technical Specifications: Clause 161 Ensure no public or private services, utilities or similar facilities are damaged or interrupted by the works. 31/03/1517 IFB Environmental, Social, Health & Safety Requirements
IFB Section V: Works Requirements – Bill of Quantities : Other Cost Items 11/17/ IFB Environmental, Social, Health & Safety Requirements Item No. ActivityDetails for Activity TCTraffic ControlAll requirements – Clause No. 118 and any other relevant Clause of Chapter 1 TS. EPEnvironmental & Social Safeguards All requirements - Clause No. 161, and other relevant Clauses of Chapter 1 TS; Mitigation measures; - Framework for the CESMP HSHealth & Safety Safeguards All requirements - Clause 157 and other relevant Clauses of Chapter 1 TS; Applicable mitigation measures - Framework for the CESMP and; - MCC Health & Safety Manual IEC, VCT, CD HIV/AIDS Information, Education & Communication Campaign STI, STD and HIV / AIDS Screening, Diagnosis, Counseling and Referral Services to all Site Staff and Labour, Condom Distribution to all Site Staff and Labour All requirements under Clause No. 163 of Chapter 1 Technical Specifications
IFB Section VII: Particular Conditions of Contract Sub-Clause 4.8 Safety Procedures “The Contractor shall submit a detailed, site-specific Health and Safety Management Plan (or “HSMP”)…to the Engineer within 28 days after receiving the notice under Sub-Clause 8.1 [Commencement of Work]. The HSMP must be approved by the Engineer prior to commencement of the execution of the Works….” 31/03/1519 IFB Environmental, Social, Health & Safety Requirements
IFB Section VII: Particular Conditions of Contract - Sub-Clause 4.18 Protection of the Environment (including social and resettlement concerns) “The Contractor shall submit a detailed, site-specific Contractor’s Environmental & Social Management Plan (or “CESMP)…to the Engineer within 28 days after receiving the notice under Sub-Clause 8.1 [Commencement of Work]. The CESMP must be approved by the Engineer prior to commencement of the execution of the Works…” 31/03/1520
IFB Section VII: Particular Conditions of Contract - Sub-Clause 6.7 Health and Safety (HIV-AIDS Prevention) “The Contractor shall conduct an HIV-AIDS awareness program in the project areas as required by the approved CESMP and/or HSMP via an approved service provider, and shall undertake such other measures as are specified in the Contract to reduce the risk of the transfer of the HIV virus between and among the Contractor’s Personnel and the local community, to promote early diagnosis and to assist affected individuals.” MCA Zambia will provide to bidders the list of HIV-AIDS Service providers 31/03/1521 IFB Environmental, Social, Health & Safety Requirements
Q & A THANK YOU 31/03/1522 Millennium Challenge Account Zambia Reducing Poverty Through Economic Empowerment