Answer Now!!! What 3-5 factors should a judge take into account when deciding if a youth is a juvenile or an adult
Juvenile Justice
Duh!!!! Juveniles are treated differently than adults in our law system
Historically However, through out most of history this was not true
Historically However, through out most of history this was not true Long prison sentences and corporal punishment were common
Historically However, through out most of history this was not true Long prison sentences and corporal punishment were common It was not until the mid 1800s that there was a call for a separate juvenile system
Who is to blame? The change occurred because some people felt that the family was to blame for bad behaving children (not the child himself)
Structure of the Juvenile Court The court was established to be informal, allowing the court to act as a parent/guardian for the child
Structure of the Juvenile Court The court was established to be informal, allowing the court to act as a parent/guardian for the child Parent patriae- Latin for “parent of the country” or acting in the best interest of the child
Structure of the Juvenile Court The court was established to be informal, allowing the court to act as a parent/guardian for the child Parent patriae- Latin for “parent of the country” or acting in the best interest of the child Hearing are closed to the public, and terms are different from adults
Who is a Juvenile? Varies from state to state, but the age falls between 16-18
Who is a Juvenile? Varies from state to state, but the age falls between Judge will make decision based on:
Who is a Juvenile? Varies from state to state, but the age falls between Judge will make decision based on: Age and past record
Who is a Juvenile? Varies from state to state, but the age falls between Judge will make decision based on: Age and past record Seriousness of crime
Who is a Juvenile? Varies from state to state, but the age falls between Judge will make decision based on: Age and past record Seriousness of crime Likelihood to be rehabilitated by adulthood
Who is a Juvenile? Varies from state to state, but the age falls between Judge will make decision based on: Age and past record Seriousness of crime Likelihood to be rehabilitated by adulthood However, current trend is to trying offenders as adults
3 sections of juvenile court Delinquent offenders
3 sections of juvenile court Delinquent offenders Youths who have committed acts that would be crimes if adults
3 sections of juvenile court Status offenders
3 sections of juvenile court Status offenders Youths who committed acts that would not be crimes if adults
3 sections of juvenile court Status offenders Youths who committed acts that would not be crimes if adults Smoking, curfew, alcohol
3 sections of juvenile court Neglected and abused children
3 sections of juvenile court Neglected and abused children Youths who need the court’s protection from a parent/guardian
3 sections of juvenile court Neglected and abused children Youths who need the court’s protection from a parent/guardian Food, shelter, clothing
Parent’s Role Some believe that parents should be held accountable
Parent’s Role Some believe that parents should be held accountable Parental responsibility laws- parents punished for child’s actions
Parent’s Role Some believe that parents should be held accountable Parental responsibility laws- parents punished for child’s actions Similar to contributing to the delinquency of a minor
Goals of Juvenile Justice Two sides
Goals of Juvenile Justice Two sides Humanitarian-rehabilitate the offender
Goals of Juvenile Justice Two sides Humanitarian-rehabilitate the offender Control- punish the offender