NGO Viru Region Co-Operation Council LEADER Local Action Group Hardi Murula João Paulo de Almeida Mendonça
General information: 6 munitcipalites 40 active members area 828,3 km inhabitants 7 board members
Vision: Active people who value a pure physical and social environment and local traditions living in the heart of Virumaa are constantly improving the quality of life in the region with their activities.
Strategy: LAG strategy has been composed validated by general assembly in Mai 2007 Priority traget groups are young people, rural NGOs and micro-enterprises Mesures were: Investments, “Young people back to area” and improve competence total 3 calls and 31 different projects has been supported
Strategy: Changed in 2010 Priority is tourism/rural tourism Mesures: Tourist infrastructure, tourist attractions, development of micro enterprises and “Active young peple”
Activities: Co-operation with neighbour LAGs “Year of limestone”, “Taste of North-East Estonia” etc. international co-operation with Hungary, Finland and Portugal
Country with Young people’s eye What can LAG do for young people? Can we attract young people? Can we compete with cities?
Country with Young people’s eye How can we use social networks as a tool of development for rural areas?
Thank you for your attention! Stay young! Hardi Murula João Paulo de Almeida Mendonça