Group Dynamics in Survivor Groups Laraine Bodnar, MA, LCPC, NCC LOSS Program Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago
Structure of Meetings 2 hours in length Reading of Group Guidelines Go-Around Group discussion Break half-way through the meeting Closing Debriefing after meeting with mental health clinicians and facilitators
Importance of Guidelines We ask that you respect each other’s grief and experiences by keeping what you hear confidential and within the room. Please share the time available with others. Don’t monopolize. Even though you may want to add to what someone has said, the group process is more successful when no interruptions are made when others are speaking.
Please be accepting and non- judgmental of others. We are all different in our experiences. Remember that adults learn best by hearing experiences of others, not by getting advice from others. Talk about what you did, rather than what someone else should do. Please avoid vulgar language. It may be offensive to others in the group.
Don’t be afraid of silence. We strongly urge attendees to not use illicit drugs or alcohol before coming to a meeting. These substances can alter a person’s interaction with others and interfere with the group process. If, for any reason, you find you need to leave early, before the conclusion of the meeting, please let the facilitator know. We are concerned for your well-being. We request that you turn off cell phones and pagers before the meeting begins.
Go-Around Introductions Facilitator models the process Participation is never forced 2 Facilitators and 1 Mental Health Clinician make up leadership team for the group Eye Contact
Active Listening Facilitator will listen to the issues raised in the Go-Around. If a member does not start the discussion, a facilitator will begin using issues that were raised in the Go-Around. Reflect back to group what was heard in the Go-Around. Open discussion
Varying levels of participation Different relationship losses present at meetings Emotions Intensity of feelings Each group develops an energy of its own. Importance of retelling of one’s story Coping skills are learned. Books and resources are shared.
Support groups No judgments Safe environment
To facilitate discussion: Facilitators have materials from which to draw ideas Facilitators may draw upon their own grief experience Use of open-ended questions Facilitators may suggest a general topic to the group, i.e., anger
Monthly Group and 8-Week Groups Same process Same group dynamics Different membership in monthly groups More intense sharing in weekly groups Less facilitator involvement in weekly groups Closer bonds in weekly groups
Potential Difficulties MonopolizingSilence Comparison of pain: Grief competition InterruptingAdvice-giving Challenging other members Passing judgment on others’ feelings or behaviors Disrupting the meeting
Discussion of graphic details Dealing with members in crisis –Intoxication –Out of control behavior –Active suicidal ideation Refer back to the Guidelines for many problems. Redirect problem behavior and group dynamics. Speak privately to the individual during the break or after the meeting. Take a member out of the meeting to speak with him/her. Mental health clinician is a resource in a crisis.
Multiple Family Members Can change the dynamics of a group May be positive for family to be able to share together in a safe place May have drawbacks as some family members may feel inhibited about speaking with other family members present. Blame, anger, tension felt in the family may spill over into group
Questions and Answers