PAMAP Development and Update State GIS Coordinator Comments PAMAP is important to all levels of government in PA, academia, and business interests, feds Sustainable funding is required but has not been achieved to date Data policy between state and counties needs to be resolved Flexibility is required so that counties and municipalities can buy up on accuracy
PAMAP Development and Update State GIS Coordinator Comments State data layer priorities are: 1. Complete, statewide orthophotography, at least 1:2,400 or 1:1, Statewide, complete addressable road centerline for all roads in the state 3. Statewide parcels with zoning, landuse, land cover, etc. 4. Hydrography – rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, intakes and outfalls 5. Buildings – Public first? All eventually These priorities reflect Homeland Security/First Responder needs and other Governor’s initiatives – workforce development, landuse, economic development
PAMAP Development and Update State GIS Coordinator Comments Pennsylvania GIS Data Sharing Standards document – Version 1.0 coming soon Version 1.0 = same layers as visible on USGS 7.5’ quadrangles plus parcels Expect new PGDSS versions annually at a minimum BGT is the responsible party for PGDSS DCNR and BGT are partners for PAMAP, but DCNR is the lead agency
PAMAP Development and Update State GIS Coordinator Comments Legislature will play a key role in creating sustainable funding sources at multiple levels of government Currently working on draft resolution in support of PAMAP and GIS Wireless 911 county plans can specify GIS and PAMAP as reimbursable, acceptable expenditures if they meet PAMAP/PGDSS/state standards Same for SHSP county and RCTTF funds
PAMAP Development and Update State GIS Coordinator Comments DCNR has pledged $1.5M in matching funds for PAMAP for next year Other agencies will be asked to step up and make a contribution Additional funding sources will be sought State strategy for counties to cover the entire state must be completed Statewide, accurate DEM would make the orthophotography program cheaper and easier in the future
PAMAP Development and Update State GIS Coordinator Comments Strategy for serving PAMAP imagery and data layers must be crafted Best would be a regional and a centralized approach PAMAP needs a strategic plan crafted to identify and resolve these issues DCNR and BGT will work together with other parties on the PAMAP/PGDSS strategy
PAMAP Development and Update State GIS Coordinator Comments Should have a good idea of total $$$ for Spring 2005 imagery program in next 90 days Spring 2005 imagery program will be decided by 10/2004 Product specifications What region/counties What vendors (ITQ) Contracts let Get early flight windows scheduled