OUTSTATION SERVICES Future Funding 07/10/15
Overview Background Types of Funding Who is funded Recent Changes - Commonwealth/NTG agreement Future Loss of NT Jobs Funding What Next – Your Comments
Background In 2012/13 funding for Outstations/Homelands and Town Camps underwent some significant changes: Introduction of the Municipal and Essential Services Implementation Plan Schedule under the National Partnership Agreement on Stronger Futures in the NT
Background (cont’d) Commonwealth agrees to fund $206 million over ten years and NTG agree to contribute $40 million over same period June 2013 Commonwealth and NTG signed Schedule G.
Background (cont’d) Introduction of 3 year funding agreements between the NTG and Service Providers. Homelands Extra Allowance (HEA) - Introduced by the NTG $14 million over four years. NT Jobs Package Funding Continues at $5 million per annum
Types of Funding MES/HMS Primarily for the delivery of Municipal and Essential Services including Housing Maintenance Services to eligible Outstations/Homelands MES/SPG Special Purpose Grants are applied for by Service Providers to improve Municipal and Essential Service infrastructure
Types of Funding (cont’d) HEA 4 year program that provides an additional $5,200 pa per eligible dwelling To assist with improving housing infrastructure and applied for by the Outstation resident. NT Jobs Package Commonwealth Government funding provided for the employment of indigenous people in the provision of Outstation Services. Formerly CDEP Converted Jobs.
Who Is Funded MES/HMP/SPG Total of 33 x Individual Service Providers which includes: 6 x Regional Councils 27 x Indigenous Organisations and other Service Providers
Who Is Funded (cont’d) NT Jobs Package Funding 138 x Full Time Equivalent - Indigenous Positions HEA 206 Dwellings across 91 x Outstations
Recent Changes – Commonwealth/NTG Agreement MES/HMS Commonwealth offered the NTG remainder of the 7 years funding under Schedule G. of the National Partnership Agreement NTG have accepted the remaining $155 million.
Recent Changes – Commonwealth/NTG Agreement (cont’d) HEA – Ends 2015/16 Financial Year Department have stopped accepting HEA applications NT Jobs Package Funding Negotiations for continued funding between the Commonwealth Government and NTG have been unsuccessful to date
Future Loss of NT Jobs Funding What is the result? Six month variation to MES/HMS agreements to 31/12/15 with no commitment to ongoing program funding 138 x FTE Indigenous Job losses across the NT Reduced capacity of Service Providers to deliver a high level of services to Outstations
Future Loss of NT Jobs Funding (cont’d) What is the result? The shifting of service delivery costs to Outstation Service Providers Funding is rumoured to be diverted to RJCP/CDP program Indigenous employees slip back into welfare dependency
What Next – Your Comments Recommendation LGANT as the peak body for Local Government work with the DLGCS and write to Commonwealth Minister for Indigenous Affairs on behalf of the Regional Councils lobbying for the continued NT Jobs Package funding. Your Comments/Suggestions?
Thank you