Child Care Programs and Services “The Province of British Columbia is committed to helping families obtain affordable, safe, quality child care options that meet their diverse needs”
The Ministry provides families, child care providers and early childhood educators with funding through 4 streams: Overview Funding ProgramRecipient Child Care Operating Funding Child Care Providers Child Care Subsidy ProgramLow Income Families Capital Funding ProgramsChild Care Providers Educational BursariesEarly Childhood Educators
Child Care Operating Funding CCOF provides funding to licensed family, preschool, and group child care providers, including Aboriginal Head Start programs. The funding is intended to help with the cost of providing quality, affordable and accessible child care.
To Be Eligible: hold a valid facility license under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act; be a non-profit society or a registered company, a sole proprietorship or partnership, first nations government, local government or public institution; be willing to provide services to families receiving Child Care Subsidy; and be in good standing with MCFD Child Care Operating Funding Program
How it Works: Applications are accepted continually throughout the year; Once approved, provider’s enter into a funding agreement with the Province of British Columbia for all or part of the current fiscal year (April 1 st – March 31 st ); Provider’s submit a monthly enrolment report for monthly payments; Payments vary depending on the number of children enrolled in the facility each month. Providers must fill out an online Child Care Provider Profile survey annually. Child Care Operating Funding Program
Child Care Operating Funding Program Where do I get more Information? Visit the website at: Application forms may be submitted online, by fax, or by mail. Contact Person: Name: Connie Rebitt Title: Program Coordinator Phone: In Victoria: Outside Greater Victoria toll fee Website:
CCS is a monthly payment to assist low income families with the cost of child care Parent’s eligibility is assessed under the Child Care Subsidy Regulation Monthly subsidy payments vary depending on the family’s circumstances. Subsidies are available for both licensed and licence-not-required child care; Child Care Subsidy
Where do I get more information? Visit the Child Care Subsidy website at: Contact Child Care Subsidy at Visit a Child Care Resource and Referral Center Who can assist families and child care providers to complete the forms and provide general information. Child Care Subsidy
Major Capital Funding Major Capital Funding supports non-profit and private child care organizations, including First Nation governments and Band/Tribal Councils, with funding to build new licensed child care spaces: Build a new child care facility, including the cost of buying land or a building. Purchase and assemble a modular building and develop a site. Renovate an existing building. Buy eligible equipment and furnishings to support new child care spaces in a new facility.
Maximum funding available: Non-profit child care organizations $500,000 Private sector child care organizations $250,000 Priority is placed on applications that propose to create child care spaces: In underserved areas of B.C. Co-located with other family support programs in community based settings On school grounds. Major Capital Funding
Major Capital Funding accepts application submissions during intake periods. Timing of the next intake will be announced later this Fall. Visit: _capital.htm _capital.htm Or phone , option 5 Major Capital Funding
Minor Capital Funding provides licensed group child care providers with access to $2,000 per year to assist with emergency or relocation costs. Eligible organizations include: Non-Profit Societies Local Governments Public Institutions First Nations Governments Band/Tribal Councils Minor Capital Funding
Child care facilities may receive up to $2,000 per year, per facility address for: Emergency upgrades or repairs to existing facilities Emergency replacement of furnishings and equipment necessary to comply with the Child Care Licensing Regulation Relocation costs when a child care facility is moving to another location. For more information, visit: or phone , option 5 Minor Capital Funding
In the Spring, 2015, the Minister of Children and Family Development announced government will provide $1 million in funding for students enrolled in recognized early childhood education programs. ECE Bursary Program
The bursary funding is available to all students who are registered in early childhood education courses. However, to address identified needs, priority has been given to: Aboriginal students; Students attending ECE programs with Aboriginal focus; Educators studying to achieve infant/toddler designation. ECE Bursary Program
Where do I get more Information? The ECE Student Bursary program is administered by the Early Childhood Educators of BC (ECEBC). For more information on the bursary program, the criteria, and an application form, visit the ECEBC website at: Contact Person: Name: Emily Mileczko Title: Executive Director Phone: Toll free: Website: ECE Bursary Program