11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke SC2003 Video
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke An Introduction to Grids Teragrid Peter Clarke / IoP Meeting / Portland Place / 11-Feb-04
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke Scientific Requirements for Grids What is a Grid ? A word on Interoperation & Standardisation Where can you find a Grid Concluding thoughts
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke Take a tunnel ……. Particle Physics Fill with magnets and expensive Detectors.. Smash protons together and catch the debris … Discover the origin of mass
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke W+W+ W-W- Higgs Discover the origin of mass …….
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke ~1-10 Gbps Tier 1 Tier2 Center Online System CERN 700k SI95 ~1 PB Disk; Tape Robot FNAL: 200k SI95; 600 TB IN2P3 Center INFN Center RAL Center Institut e Institute ~0.25TIPS Workstations ~ MBytes/sec 0.1–1 Gbps Physics data cache ~PByte/sec ~1-10 Gbps Tier2 Center ~1-10 Gbps Tier 0 +1 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier2 Center Experiment
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke Crab Nebula Optical Radio Infra-red X-ray Jet in M87 HST optical Gemini mid-IR VLA radio Chandra X-ray Astronomy Federation of astronomical surveys On demand discovery of information relevant to a study
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke ESRIN MATERA (I) NEUSTREL.ITZ (D) KIRUNA (S) - ESRANGE MASPALOMAS (E) TROMSO (N) MATERA (I) SEAWIFS SPOT IRS-P3 LANDSAT 7 TERRA/MODIS STANDARD PRODUCTION CHAINS USERS HISTORICAL ARCHIVES USERS PRODUCTS AVHRR GOME analysis detected ozone thinning over Europe 31 Jan 2002 Earth observation
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke Current system very Minimal technologically Mammography Digitise Other informat ion Remote Radiogr aphers More opinions
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke Global HPC migration
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke These applications generate Grid like distributed computing requirements: Massive & Dynamic resources for compute and store – leading to registration and discovery requirements Federation of heterogeneous systems Federation of many disparate data and meta data Access for many widespread “loosely connected” users with a “standard” credential Replication management Secure virtual systems (“VPGs”) On demand access to vast compute power Inter resource accounting Agreements……………..
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke So … What is a GRID … many things to many people…. Federation of Clusters Virtualisation of computing Heterogeneity Discovery Standards …
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke Power: 110V AC 60Hz Computing: ? ? At the highest level it is computing coming out of a wall socket….
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke User/Application Storage Resource Compute resource User registration Information/ Databases
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke User/Application Information/ Databases Look at analogue in WWW Middleware: Web Server Middleware: Web Client Standards for access (HTTP on port 80) Middleware: Web Server
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke User/Application User registration Resource availability Directories Access & Publication Client Discovery & Access Subscription & Publication Third party services Resource Brokering ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ Credential Management Credential issue
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter E = mc 2 Grid Middleware “Putting the bottleneck back in the Scientist’s mind” … or as stolen form S.Lloyd…
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke Leads to need for GRID middleware to mediate all this : Application Authentication Resource Information Resource Allocation Data access Metadata cataloguing GRID middleware Authorisation Network protocols& services CPU schedulers Mass storage access Resource specific services
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke Network Today: Virtual Private Network (VPN): Virtualises Network connection between sites Makes enterprise think it owns a dedicated secure connection Virtualisation
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke The Grid Tomorrow: Virtual Private Grid (VPG): Virtualises Computing, Storage and Network connection between sites Makes enterprise think it owns a dedicated secure computer system
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke The Grid Next Year: Virtual Private Services ???: Everything built from robust, interacting secure services provided by trusted GridCos Service
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke A word on interoperability and Standards Grids will not work by adapting each grid to talk to another. Or adopting the same bespoke software. Grids will work by defining and agreeing standards in analogy with the internet This is the Goal of the Global Grid Forum – it’s a long and hard job
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke Where can you go and use a Grid
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke Some Grid Testbeds The UK e-Science Grid UK Particle Physics Testbed (GridPP) The European DataGrid Testbed
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke Some Grid Production Services The JISC Clusters UK Particle Physics Testbed (GridPP-2) UK E-Science Grid – 2
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke EGEE will bind national infrastructures - focussing all activities towards establishing a production quality Grid for Europe EGEE A production Europe Grid for An EU Flagship Project Starting Now
11-Feb-2004 IoP Half Day Meeting: Getting Ready For the Grid Peter Clarke Concluding Remarks Grids are an evolution which was waiting to happen Grids are about seamless discovery and use of heterogeneous resources around the globe Grids are about standards for interoperation, just as the internet only works because of standards Grids are about “virtualising” Computing just as a “VPN” virtualised a leased line Grids are set to evolve to a Web-Services framework – where everything is just a set of self describing, discoverable, interoperating services