Starring Kindergarten class
PositionSay what?BodyOops!
Row 1, Col 1 takbir What is the first position of the prayer?
1,2 Allahu Akbar Allah is the Greatest What do you say in takbir?
1,3 Palms Forehead Nose Knees Toes What body parts touch the ground in sujood?
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2,1 Saying salaam to the angels What is the very last part of the prayer?
2,2 Subhana rubeel A’laa Glory be to Allah, the Most High What do you say during sujood?
2,3 Up to the shoulders and ears, palms facing forward Where do you hands go during takbir?
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3,1 2 times Sujood Sit briefly Sujood How many times do you do sujood?
3,2 Asalaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhoo How do you say salaam to the angels?
3,3 Right then left What side do you turn to in order to say salaam to the angels?
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4,1 In the sitting position Hands on knees, eyes looking down into lap In what position do you say the shahada?
4,2 Surah Al-Fatiha This is the first surah (chapter) of the Quran What surah do we recite in qiyyam?
4,3 Flat back Hands on knees Eyes looking down What does your body look like during ruku?
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5,1 Takbir Qiyaam Ruku Stand Sujood (2) Sitting Salaam to angels Show me the positions in order.
5,2 Subhana rubeel Azeem Glory be to Allah, The Magnificent What do you say during ruku?
5,3 Boys : hands over belly Girls : hands over chest Right hand over left What does your body look like during qiyaam?
5,4 Show or tell me how to fix it. Find my mistake.