Pandas are very interesting animals and it is wrong to kill pandas for their fur, and land, and there are only 1,000 Giant Pandas left in the whole world! In the future they can be rare.
A Giant Panda is a mammal. Giant Pandas live in China. Pandas have a habitat loss to increasing human popularities. “ Oh reall y I didn' t kno w that! ”
Giant Pandas eat: bamboo flowers vines tufted grass green corn honey and rodents
Giant Pandas live in thick bamboo forests at 8,500 to 11,500 feet elevation. But Pandas never have a permanent home.
They are endangered because people kill them for their fur, and they kill them for their land. Now for the cause of that, Giant Pandas may be become a rare animal and, or an extinct animal because their is so little of them in the whole world! A little help!
Pandas are famous for their black and white markings.. Good tree climbers can also swim away from their predators. Pandas have large wrist bones to grab objects like bamboo. Is that why people are killing Pandas?
A Giant Panda may consume kg. of bamboo a day to meet its energy requirement. Pandas do not have permanent homes. Adult Pandas are generally living in bamboo forests for 7 million years. Adult Giant Pandas communicate by sent, marks, and occasionally meetings! They live longer in zoos (captivity) than the wild.
For: Animal Description, food and interesting facts Pandas/Pandafacts/default.cfm Pandas/Pandafacts/default.cfm For: Location and other Facts _we_do/species/our- solutions/endangered_species/giant- Panda/index.cfm _we_do/species/our- solutions/endangered_species/giant- Panda/index.cfm For: Habitat For: Why endangered