Red Panda 6/3/2014 Mod 2 Biology MK
Description Species (family), and genus Dwarfed panda Family: Ailuridae Genus: Ailurus Species: Ailurus fulgens Physical and habitat grow to the size of a house cat, though their big, bushy tails add an additional 18 inches (46 centimeters). live in the mountains of Nepal and northern Myanmar (Burma), as well as in central China. Nocturnal Thick fur Long tail Round face Tear tracks around eyes
Red Panda Predators to small birds, insects and grubs (source of energy) Prey of owls and hawks (what can harm it) keep their distance from one another but may occasionally come in contact and communicate with each other by using certain calls (interactions)
Reproduction Red pandas in the wild are solitary except during the breeding season when they are found in small groups In captivity, maintain discrete distances from one another except at feeding time and during mating season Female estrus occurs in winter when photoperiod begins to increase Northern hemisphere captive populations: January - March Southern hemisphere captive populations: June - August Females become lethargic ~6 weeks before giving birth Nest building: Begins several days before birth In the wild, female makes nest in tree hollows or rock crevices lined with plant material Red panda give birth in litters to normally 2 cubs but it can very from 1-4
Reproduction The red pandas reproduction is very important because the species is going extinct
Works sited da.htm#taxonomy