1 Imagery for the Nation FGDC Steering Committee Meeting May 1, meter 1-foot 6 inches
2 Imagery for the Nation A national aerial imagery program to collect and disseminate standardized multi-resolution products on “set” schedules Multi-resolution products (6”, 1’, 1-meter) Repeat cycles of 1 to 5 years depending on location and resolution Imagery in the public domain Federal Government manages the standards and acquisition processes and funds the basic products Users cost-share high-resolution products and fund buy-up options (increased accuracy, frequency)
3 StewardCycleResolutionCoverageFederal Funds AgricultureAnnual1 meterAll states ex AK, HI, IAs 100% Agriculture3 year1 meterHI, IAs100% Agriculture? USGS? 5 year1 meterAK100% USGS3 year1 footAll states ex AK, IAs AK, IAs with population model Up to 50% prioritized funding USGS3 year6 inchIdentified urban areas Up to 50% prioritized funding
4 IFTN Issues/Decisions Policy decisions currently under review by FGDC Executive and Steering Committees Extent of Federal role Target profile of program How to leverage existing Federal expenditures Options for large-scale coordination and contracting
5 What Does It Take? (Federal Perspective) Technical Plan Aligned Funding Guidance and Direction Hosting and Archival Infrastructure Contracting Center(s) of Excellence Partnership Network and Agreements Communication
6 How Do We Get There? FGDC Executive Committee Provides leadership and oversight for Federal participation Makes progress on behalf of the Steering Committee Individual Executive and Steering Committee Members Inform agency leadership of IFTN Identify agency contributions and plans Champion one of the seven activities Technical plan Funding alignment Contracting center(s) of excellence Hosting and archival capabilities Agreements with partners Guidance and direction Communication strategy
ActivitySC ChampionWork GroupDeliverables Developing a Technical Plan TBD NDOP and GeoLoB Lifecycle Management WG Requirements for end products Cost estimates Agency roles Schedules Strategy for Funding Alignment Jim Cason FGDC Coordination Group and GeoLoB JBC WG Current Federal programs & funding Potential need for new funding Options for aligning existing funds Strategy for Contracting Centers TBDUSDA and USGSAcquisition plan Strategy for Hosting Infrastructure Joe KlimaviczDOC and USGS Infrastructure plan with technical architecture and business model Strategy for Developing Partnership Agreements TBD USDA, USGS, and FGDC Secretariat Model instruments Templates for partner business plans Potential role of private partners Developing Guidance and Direction TBD FGDC Coordination Group and GeoLoB JBC Work Group MOU/MOA among agencies Joint Business Case Draft Executive Order Developing Communication Strategy TBD FGDC Coordination Group and Secretariat Strategy for ongoing communication and outreach
8 Steering Committee Feedback: Can the Steering Committee agree to embrace the IFTN concept? Is the breakdown of the seven key activities accurate and does the Steering Committee agree with it? Who is willing to volunteer to serve as Champion of a key activity? Future Direction: As we identify the Champions and they begin their work, we will integrate their activities to enable fully informed decisions by FGDC.