Samantha Trapp & James Conley
Sport Specific Weak hips cause lower extremity injuries Cross country runners, especially women, get hip injuries Correct weak hip musculature
MUSCLES Gluteus Maximus Gluteus Medius Gluteus Minimus Piriformis Obturator Internus Gemelli Superior & Inferior Quadratus Femoris Obturator Externus FUNCTION OF HIP JOINT Extension of thigh, external rotation ( Gluteus Med, and Min) Abduction and internal rotation of thigh (Piriformis, O. I. & Gemelli S & I) external rotation, extension of thigh, and abduction of flexed thigh (Quad Fem & Obt. Ex.) External rotation of thigh
2 types: Manual, and Functional Manual- test performed by sports professionals Functional- observed while doing a single leg squat or lunge (abductor weakness)
Place chair behind person Stand 1 leg off the ground Squat toward chair Indicator of hip weakness is the inability to maintain the knee in alignment with the hip or foot when squatting/ lunging
2-3 sets, reps, 2 days/ week Side lying hip abduction Prone hip extension Single leg balance with shoulder row 2-3 sets, 10 sec. hold, 2 days/week
2-3 sets, 10 reps, 2 days/ week Squats Lunges Perform 1-2 sets, reps, 2 days/ week Side bridge with straight leg raise