Application of Directive 2010/65/EU in the Port of Barcelona Jaume Bagot
1- Directive 2010/65/UE 2- The scenario before the implementation 3- The solution implemented: 3a- The new scenario 3b- Local Single Window 4- Next steps 5- Conclusion Contents
1. Directive 2010/65/UE Objectives of the Directive are simplification and to lodge standardised information and documents via an electronic single window to fulfil reporting formalities But, in the Annex List of reporting formalities referred to in this Directive there is C: “Any relevant national legislation Member States may include in this category the information which shall be provided in accordance with their national legislation” lack of harmonisation
1. Directive 2010/65/UE Waste disposal service Vessel certificates Security information notification (ISPS) Notification of dangerous or polluting goods carried on board Notification for ships arriving in and departing from ports of the Member States Border checks on persons Notification of waste and residues Entry summary declaration A General declaration (FF1) Cargo declaration (FF2) Crew effects declaration (FF3) Ship’s store declaration (FF4) Crew list (FF5) Passengers list (FF6) Dang. goods declaration (FF7) Maritime health declaration B + Visa number + Visa number + gender + Ship call details + Berth/anchor request + Vessel technical information C
2. The scenario before the implementation Based on the “Procedimiento Integrado De Escalas (PIDE)” (Orden FOM/1194/2011): Electronic documents and paper documents
Based in EDIFACT messages: BERMAN Vessel call, ISPS (Modified) IFTDGN DGS goods manifest (Modified) WASDIS Waste disposal (New) PAXLST Crew and passenger lists (New) CUSCAR Cargo declaration (other procedure) A proprietary XML message for the Maritime Health Declaration (New) And several documents sent by “Procedimiento Integrado De Escalas (PIDE)” (Orden FOM/1498/2014) Only electronic documents 3. The solution implemented 3a- The new scenario Operational since the 5 th May 2015
Ship’s call request and authorisation DGS goods manifest Crew and passenger lists Waste disposal declaration Maritime Health Declaration Shipping Agent Port Authority NSW (DUEPORT) Police DGMM Health Ministery SafeSeaNet Harbour Master Port level National levelEuropean level 3. The solution implemented 3a- The new scenario
3. The solution implemented 3a- The new scenario DECLARANT 1a- Solicitud Escala (BERMAN) 2b- APERAK 3a- Notificación 4- PortPlus Solicitud Escala 5- Autorización Entrada 6b- Notificación 7a- Actos Declarativos (BERMAN, PAXLST, WASDIS, IFTDGN) 13a- Atraque/Fondeo (BERMAN) 14b- APERAK 15a- Registro ATA y ATD (BERMAN) 16b- APERAK 17- PortPlus ATA Y ATD 8b- APERAK 9a- Notificación 10c- Listas Pasaj./ Tripulantes 11- Resíduos, ISPS, MMPP 12- PortPlus MMPP NSWDGMM OTHER ENTITIES SSNCUSTOMS 3b- Notificación 9b- Notificación 10a- Listas Pasaj./ Tripulantes PA 3c- Notificación 6b- Notificación 9c- Notificación 10b- Listas Pasaj./ Tripulantes LSW 1b- Solicitud Escala (BERMAN) 2a- APERAK 6a- Notificación 7b- Actos Declarativos (BERMAN, PAXLST, WASDIS, IFTDGN) 14a- APERAK 15b- Registro ATA y ATD (BERMAN) 16a- APERAK 8a- APERAK 13b- Atraque/Fondeo (BERMAN)
3. The solution implemented 3b- Local Single Window
UNB+UNOC:2+ESB :ZZ+ESQ I:ZZ : ’ UNH PAXLST:D:03A:UN:PX1041’ BGM ’ RFF+ATZ:ESBCN ’ RFF+SSR:57006’ DTM+137: :203’ NAD+CV+B BALEARES CONSIGNATARIOS S.L.’ TDT :::ALLURE OF THE SEAS:BS’ LOC+153+ESBCN::6’ NAD+FL+84XXX4481 :ZZP:OPE++MAX/AABERG:M+++++SE’ DTM+329: :102’ DTM+36: :102’ DTM+464: :203’ DTM+465: :203’ LOC+180+SE:162:5:Suecia’ LOC+9+ESBCN:140:6:BARCELONA’ LOC+11+ESBCN:140:6:BARCELONA’ NAD+FL+28XXX5230 :ZZP:OPE++ELI/AASHEIM:F+++++NO’ DTM+329: :102’ … NAD+FL+U0XXX44514:ZZP:OPE++KEZBAN/ZEYBEK:F+++++TR’ DTM+329: :102’ DTM+36: :102’ DTM+464: :203’ DTM+465: :203’ LOC+180+TR:162:5’ LOC+9+ESBCN:140:6:BARCELONA’ LOC+11+ITNAP:140:6:NAPOLES’ UNT ’ UNZ ’ 3. The solution implemented 3b- Local Single Window
4. Next steps New developments in our PCS (PORTIC): Uploading a waste disposal declaration from an Excel spreadsheet Uploading a DGS goods manifest from an Excel spreadsheet Some administrations are still based in paper documents, even while they are receiving e-documents Generalisation of the use of the Maritime Health Declaration
5. Conclusion Most of the documents are fully implemented since the 5 th May The flexibility of Directive 2010/65/UE and the different solutions implemented do not solve the main objectives
Thank you