JPEG is a standardized image compression mechanism. JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group. JPEG is designed for compressing either full- colUor or gray-scale digital images of "natural", real-world scenes. It does not work very well on non-realistic images, such as cartoons or line drawings.
PDF stands for Portable Document Format. PDF was introduced in 1990 as a way to reliably view, print, and share information with other people. PDF is a proprietary format that allows you to read electronic documents, either on or off line. This format provides a page-by-page view of documents, exactly as they appear in their printed form, as well as allowing keyword search.
PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics. its a file image that contains a bitmap of indexed colours under a lossless compression. commonly used to store graphics for web images. The PNG format was created in response to limitations with the GIF format, primarily to increase colour support and to provide an image format without a patent license. PNG images cannot be animated like GIF images. However, the related.MNG format can be animated. PNG images do not provide CMYK colour support because they are not intended for use with professional graphics.