A prototype i3 VoIP PSAP implementation Henning Schulzrinne, Anshuman Rawat, Matthew Mintz-Habib, Xiaotao Wu and Ron Shacham Dept. of Computer Science Columbia University Walt Magnussen, Willis Marti, Patti Urbina Chris Norton, Clark Yang, Karthik Kannan Internet2 Technology Evaluation Center Texas A&M University NENA-VON VoIPCIF Santa Clara, CA December 2004
Overview A quick review of I3 assumptions Goals of project Prototype architecture and experiences Scaling and robustness Next steps
Our I3 assumptions VoIP (SIP) capable end systems SIP-capable PSAP Location inserted by origin outbound proxy originating device (e.g., via DHCP) either geospatial or civic location
Goals of prototype Provide a platform for quick experimentation Determine easy vs. hard parts of problem Experiment with redundancy and robustness Use off-the-shelf components where possible Modes Phase II wireless (based on ALI lookup) I3 VoIP end-to-end, with in-band location information
Components sipd SIP proxy server database-backed DNS server SIP phone web server SQL database for call routing sipc SIP user agent geo-coding, PSAP boundaries GIS software for call location plotting No endorsement implied – other components likely will work as well
* gray features in progress. Prototype
Ft. Wayne, IN: August 17, 2004 Demo prototype
Call routing PSAP lookup depends on location type: DNS for civic locations Mapinfo Envinsa for geo location
Detail: I3 - DNS-based resolution 151.algonquin-dr.addison.vt.us.sos-arpa.net Perl sip-cgi script DNS NAPTR: addison.vt.us algonquin-dr.addison.vt.us … psap.state.vt.gov proprietary TCP-based protocol DHCP INFORM SIP w/location MAC loc
SIPc client receives callsGeoLynx software displays caller location Call taker setup
sipc receives call
GeoLynx receives commands and displays location.Caller location displayed on map.Caller information displayed in GUI.GeoLynx listens for commands from SIPc… GeoLynx displays location
Demo Ft. Wayne, IN (August 17, 2004)
White PSAP
Close-up of PSAP call taker station
Using IP phones for voice XML display with HTTP retrieval XML display shows caller location redundant sipd’s Apache web server
Emergency call conferencing INVITE 3 rd party call control INVITE REFER Conference server PSAP Recorder Fire department Hospital PSAP brings all related parties into a conference call INVITE media info INVITE media info Caller INVITE
Scaling NENA: “estimated 200 million calls to in the U.S. each year” approximately 6.3 calls/second if 3 minute call, about 1,200 concurrent calls typical SIP proxy server (e.g., sipd) on 1 GHz PC can handle about 400 call arrivals/second thus, unlikely to be server-bound
Next steps for our prototype Custom user interface for call taker Add voice recording and conferencing using our software conference server “Data mining” collect and display statistical data about calls Integration of police/fire/EMS direct transmission of call-related data via simple IM application requires only Internet access
Difficulties Difficult to get good test environment access to PDE IP access to ALI (often, jury-rigged telnet interfaces) access to MSAG and ALI data “friendly” PSAPs one option but open, network-accessible test lab would be better longer-term: may need “plug fests” see SIPit effort – vendors collaborating in friendly, non- public interop test efforts rapid elimination of protocol and implementation problems
Conclusion A first prototype of I3 PSAP integrates Phase II wireless call delivery Shown that it is possible to integrate existing GIS applications with I3 Based on COTS technology, with modest modifications Additional operational support in progress
NTIA VoIP i3 PSAP Project Partners Texas A&M University Columbia University (Dr. Henning Schulzrinne co-PI) The University of Virginia National Emergency Number Association (NENA) The State of Texas Commission on State Emergency Communications (CSEC) The State of Virginia Division of Public Safety Communications of the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA). Internet 2 Brazos County Texas E911 District City of College Station Texas Cisco Nortel
Project Goals & Duration To build and install in an operational PSAP an i3 PSAP prototype system Provide functional comparison to existing i2 systems Provide VoIP E911 workshops designed to expand Internet based 911 services awareness Project to begin on 1 October, 2004 and conclude on 31 September, 2006
Project Responsibilities Columbia University – development of I3 components. TAMU ITEC – I3 field trial and coordination with PSAP entities. Cisco and Nortel – Support I2 installations
Thank you – Now for Questions Contact info – Walt Magnussen Ph Henning Schulzrinne Ph