1 CJK10, Beijing, China ORS Implementation using DNS, and Demonstration Document number Beijing, China 22 nd -24 th July 2009 Jong-Pyo Kim, Seung-Jai Yi
2 dddd ddd 1. Scope&Configuration 2. Steps 3. Demonstration 1. Background 2. Works 3. info ORSdemonstrationORSdemonstrationImplementation Guideline for the ORS Implementation
3 ORS demonstration
4 CJK10, Beijing, China Scope : (1) ~ (13) Configuration 1. Scope & Configuration of demonstration My PC Vitual PC
5 CJK10, Beijing, China 2. Steps from 1 st to 13 th (1/2) Assumption - OID : {2 27 1} - ID scheme - Fixed Form Type - Binary Form - Tail : acode.kr FieldCompany CodeItem CodeSerial Code Length4 bits 8bits Value
6 CJK10, Beijing, China (1) (1)/(2) oid.foo (3) NS sample.com (4) oid.foo (5) NS oid.kr (6) oid.foo (7)/(8) NAPTR “u” “O2I+DNS” “mcode.kr” (9)/(10) mcode.kr (11)/(12) NAPTR 0 100“u”“O2U+FFT:V100B1” “(.{4})(.{4})(.{8})$!\\2.\\1.acode.kr” (13) 0.15.acode.kr 2. Steps from 1 st to 13 th (2/2)
7 CJK10, Beijing, China 3. Demonstration Web-based ORS query/response program X.oid-res H.IRP
8 CJK10, Beijing, China Implementation guideline for the ORS Implementation guideline for the ORS
9 CJK10, Beijing, China 1. Background (1/3) 2009, June : ISO/IEC SC6 WG9 & ITU-T SG17 - Result of the meeting NIDA and CNNIC prepare the first draft of the implementation guidelines for the ORS by Friday, June 12, The Convenor (or the ORS Editor or National Bodies?) was asked to provide (for input to September) standards-level text describing the requirements of the ORS in terms of look-up requirements for the ORS. This should describe (and the need to eliminate) the various exponential explosions and administrative requirements for the addition new Unicode labels at a high arc. The placement of any resulting text (within the current Recommendation | Standard, an Implementor Handbook, etc) is referred to the September meeting, but it is agreed that such text (and how to satisfy it using DNS) is certainly needed in some form of international standardisation.
10 CJK10, Beijing, China 1. Background (2/3) {joint-iso-itu-t(2) tag-based(27) mcode(1)} Input values to X.oid.res ① oid.foo ② 1.27.joint-iso-itu-t.oid.foo ③ 1.tag-based.joint-iso-itu-t.oid.foo ④ mcode.tag-based.joint-iso-itu-t.oid.foo ⑤ 1.tag-based.2.oid.foo ⑥ mcode.27.2.oid.foo ⑦ mcode.tag-based.2.oid.foo ⑧ mcode.27.joint-iso-itu-t.oid.foo
11 CJK10, Beijing, China 1. Background (3/3) ① oid.foo ② 1.27.joint-iso-itu-t.oid.foo : ⑧ mcode.27.joint-iso-itu-t.oid.foo
12 CJK10, Beijing, China 2. Works Title : Implementation guideline for the ORS Editor : CNNIC Kong Ning, NIDA Jong Pyo Kim Contents & duty - Intro. : About DNS(BIND), Domain names ⇒ CNNIC - ORS architecture ⇒ NIDA - DNS zone file for the ORS ⇒ NIDA - Variable cases for input values ⇒ CNNIC & NIDA - Annex : test for own PC using Vmware ⇒ NIDA
13 CJK10, Beijing, China 2. Works Proposed plan for Guideline document - -Step 1 : Make a document by CNNIC & NIDA - -Step 2 : Merge and review by CNNIC & NIDA - -Step 3 : Review by CJK NID WG - -Step 4 : Submit to SG17 1 st Aug.7 th Aug.14 th Aug. STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 Modify Step 5: Submit to SG17 30 th Aug.
14 CJK10, Beijing, China [Info.] Demonstration using DNAME & CNAME X.oid-res H.IRP ② 1.27.joint-iso-itu-t.oid.foo : ⑧ mcode.27.joint-iso-itu-t.oid.foo
15 CJK10, Beijing, China [Info.] Demonstration using DNAME & CNAME
16 CJK10, Beijing, China [Info.] Demonstration using DNAME & CNAME On going discussion Point 1 : What should go into a zone file for a DNS branch node and a DNS leaf node (without OID children or with one or more OID children). Point 2 : How does Point 1 above change if a DNS leaf node becomes a DNS branch node, or has new OID children added? Point 3 : Suppose a child ceases to maintain zone files, how does Point 1 above change? ⇒ It will be important in the final text to clearly specify what needs to be done (recommended or mandatory), but also to give the rationale for the choices we recommend or mandate. So keeping a record of some of these discussions will be important. (Comment from Convenor of WG9)