1 RESA Project: Key Lessons Presentation at the RESA Final Review Meeting Monday, 06 th December 2010, New Delhi Rajesh Kumar
2 Lesson 1: Capacity building of consumers: Important Most of the consumers are unaware of reforms and redressal process Lack of reliable information and capacity to intervene Communication gap between policy makers/regulators and consumers Weak complaint redressal mechanism
3 Lesson 2: Consumers are sensitive toward reforms Consumers need more information on reforms Ready to pay more price for improved quality More sensitive towards energy conservation issues Provide required co-operation to manage the system effectively – community based approach
4 Lesson 3: RESA was accepted as a useful model Generating awareness on reforms issues Creating interactive platforms for key stakeholders Addressing systemic problems of consumers Making consumers aware of their responsibilities and rights
5 Lesson 4: Sincere effort is always appreciated West Bengal: Consumer Assistance Cells (CONASC Project) Rajasthan: Study to build awareness among CSOs to demand for DSM and RE in India -- DREC project) Nepal: Appointed one of the RG members as member of electricity tariff commission Bangladesh: Active participation in pubic hearings by CAB
6 Lesson 5: RESA should now focus on… Extensive approach: covering more areas/districts Intensive approach: focus on green energy More sensitive approach towards territorial issues Action oriented research - such as developing community managed distribution system
7 Thank You