English-Language Development Domain California Preschool Learning Foundations Volume 1 Published by the California Department of Education (2008) English-Language Development
Communicating with Parents about the English-Language Development Domain Develop 3 to 5 questions that could be used to determine parents’ beliefs and desires regarding their child’s language development in English and in his/her home language. Include at least one question that relates to each strand of the English-language development foundations. FIP IG ELD Activity 7
Communicating with Parents about the English-Language Development Domain Are all substrands and focus areas covered? Should they be? What additional questions would address any remaining substrands? Which strands would be most challenging to discuss with parents? How could cultural practices influence these questions and the responses that families might give? FIP IG ELD Activity 7
Communicating with Parents about the English-Language Development Domain Write 3 paragraphs (1 for each strand), describing the English-language development foundations to parents. Include key points about the foundations. Describe the importance of English-language development in young children. Include what you most want parents to know about English-language development. FIP IG ELD Activity 7