W ELCOME TO THE F ALL O PEN H OUSE 5 TH G RADE P ARENT O RIENTATION Welcome Goals 5 th Grade Curriculum Grading Classroom Rules Planner/Tues. Folder.


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Presentation transcript:


P ARENT O RIENTATION Welcome Goals 5 th Grade Curriculum Grading Classroom Rules Planner/Tues. Folder Parent Conference Day - October 14 Q & A and Wrap-up

G OALS To assist all students to achieve and maintain academic excellence To prepare students for 6 th grade To teach students using TEKS To teach students to be responsible, lifelong learners To have fun with the students!

F IFTH G RADE C URRICULUM 5 th Grade Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills can be found at: Texas Education Association Website

G RADING Grading Scale A = B = C = D = F = A = Full Accomplishment B = Substantial Accomplishment C= Partial Accomplishment D = Student Difficulty Subjective Grading

STAAR FOR 5 TH G RADE Math: April 1, 2014 Reading: April 2, 2014 Science: April 23, 2014 Retest: Math: May 13; Reading: May 14

D ISTRICT G RADING P OLICY Major Grades = 50% Daily Grade = 50 % Parents can monitor child’s grades through ParentConnect and Tuesday Folders

R E - TEACHING AND R E -T ESTING Teachers will monitor grades weekly and notify parents via the Tuesday folder when students are failing/struggling. Students can retake tests (major grades) to have failing grades replaced with a grade no higher than a 75 and no lower than the original failing grade. Students must meet with their teacher to discuss a retake or alternate assignment. Retaking in-class work (minor grades) will be left to the teacher’s discretion.

M INIMUM NUMBER OF GRADES PER 9 WEEKS ReadingLanguageScienceSocial Studies Math Major33333 Minor85966 Examples of major grades: chapter tests, Common Assessments and Benchmarks, project, compositions, journals, cumulative spelling tests, unit exams Examples of minor grades: vocabulary tests, journal entries, quizzes, daily grades, participation grades, maps/charts

H OMEWORK Homework is a practice of the skills learned in class. Students will have homework every night. Consult the planner and teacher websites for homework assignments. “Buffalo Challenge” – STAAR Prep homework will begin when we return from the winter break. Habitual failure to complete homework will result in an Opportunity Room assignment.

C LASSROOM R ULES Be respectful to self, others & property. Be prepared for learning. Be an active learner. Recording : behavioral problems are recorded in the class conduct book and then reported to parents in the following Tuesday folder. Parents are contacted sooner via or phone if the infraction is more serious. Consequences : Loss of privileges, recess, Opportunity Room

T UESDAY F OLDERS Communication of student’s progress Please review and discuss papers in the folder with your child, Parents must sign and return folder on Wednesday, along with any papers that may need to be signed and/or corrected, Keep all other papers.

B LACKSHEAR P LANNER Daily organizer used by students Daily communicator for teacher and parents Used for Goal Setting - Caring and Learning Goals Reference tool Signatures weekly

A TTENDANCE AND T ARDIES Attendance – students are expected to be in school every day unless he is prevented by illness, death in the family, or other legitimate reasons acceptable under Board of Trustee’s policy or state law. Absence - in the event a pupil is absent from school for any reason, he is required on his return to school to bring a written excuse signed by his parents as to why the child was absent. Tardiness – school bell rings at 8:05. Students that arrive in the classroom after 8:20 AM must report to the office for a tardy slip for admission to class.

C ONTACTING BY P HONE Voic and Will check voic by 3:30 Leave urgent messages with front office Dial , press “0” to leave a message


B LACKSHEAR O NLINE Visit the Blackshear Online for:Blackshear Online School Lunch and Breakfast Menu Blackshear Calendar Teacher websites

Conference Periods: 10:05 – 10:45 Monday – Friday (excluding Tuesday) Before or After School Conferences must be by prior appointment. Please make appointments for conferences.

C ONFERENCE D AY October 14, 2013 Please sign up with your homeroom teacher unless you have specific curriculum concerns for another teacher.

Thanks for coming. We look forward to working with you and your child this year! Please give us a few moments to get down to our rooms before visiting.

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