Questions? Type in Q&A District/School Assessment Coordinator Training September 20, 21, and 22, 2011 Fall 2011 Computer-Based Tests FCAT Mathematics Retake FCAT Reading Retake FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake
Questions? Type in Q&A WebEx Procedures All phones will be placed on mute. To ask a question, type in the Q&A box and address the question to All Panelists. For a longer question, type “Phone Question” in the Q&A box and the moderator will call on you to ask your question during a break. 2
Questions? Type in Q&A Statewide Training for CBT (WebEx) 3 Fall 2011 Retakes (FCAT Reading Retake, FCAT Mathematics Retake, FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake) Technology Coordinator Training September 13, 14, and 15 District/School Assessment Coordinator Training September 20, 21, and 22 One training will be recorded and posted for any districts or schools who cannot attend. This PowerPoint is also available at the website
Questions? Type in Q&A Overview 4 Computer-Based Testing (CBT) Glossary Support Information and Resources Administration Schedule and Timing Accommodations Updates Students To Be Tested Training Test Administrators Proctors Required Administration Information Seating Charts, Session Roster, Attendance Codes, Accommodations Codes Student Authorization Tickets
Questions? Type in Q&A Overview – contd. 5 Seal Codes Other District Assessment Coordinator Tasks District Readiness Activities Practice Tests (ePATs) Test Materials for Students Four-Function Calculators Student Comment Forms Note about Exiting TestNav Notes About Creating Test Sessions Questions
Questions? Type in Q&A Overview – contd. 6 PearsonAccess – Filters and Search Fields Demonstration Before Testing During Testing After Testing Contact Information Evaluation Questions
Questions? Type in Q&A CBT Glossary 7 PearsonAccess – A website used for almost all test preparation (e.g., PreID), setup, administration, and reporting tasks. Correct test administration must be selected each time you log in. Requires a username and password. Links to support materials:
Questions? Type in Q&A CBT Glossary 8 PearsonAccess Training Center Accessed from the Training Center tab on PearsonAccess Home page or at Provides an opportunity to Practice PearsonAccess tasks Manage the Infrastructure Trial in preparation for testing Requires a username and password.
Questions? Type in Q&A CBT Glossary 9 Proctor Caching Florida schools are required to use Proctor Caching. Pearson will provide the software and the instructions necessary to install and run Proctor Caching. Benefits: Enables schools to download encrypted test content to a local computer. Can run from any workstation on the network that meets minimum requirements. Does not require a separate server. Reduces test delays due to network congestion.
Questions? Type in Q&A CBT Glossary 10 TestNav 6.9 (TestNav) Platform that Florida will use for high-stakes computer-based statewide assessments. Software application installed either on a file server or on each computer that will be used for testing.
Questions? Type in Q&A CBT Glossary 11 TestHear The computer-based platform that Florida will use for CBT accommodations beginning in Fall An application that must be installed on each computer that will be used for testing. Only operates on Windows or Macs that are also running Windows.
Questions? Type in Q&A CBT Glossary - Test Code vs. Test Group Code 12 Test CodeTest Group Code A six-digit code created by PearsonAccess and printed on Student Authorization Tickets and Session Rosters. The Login ID and the test code are required to log in to TestNav. A unique four-digit number used to identify groups of students tested together, which is created by district assessment coordinators or by school assessment coordinators. The Test Group Code is entered after the Welcome screen and student pledge in TestNav and before students see the first question.
Questions? Type in Q&A Support Information 13 Where to find Support Resources – Fall 2011 Computer-Based Test Administration Manual (Fall CBT Manual) – TestNav Technology Guidelines – TestNav Early Warning System Reference Manual – Proctor Caching Guide – Infrastructure Readiness Guide FDOE website – Computer-Based Testing: Note: Most links are simply redirects to
Questions? Type in Q&A Support Information 14 Contact Pearson Support Phone Number: Appendix C in the manual provides the following information: PearsonAccess User Accounts – District assessment coordinators received instructions for setting up user accounts from FDOE. Browser requirements Logging in for the first time Resetting passwords Training Center Test Setup Exercise Appendix D in the manual is a CBT Test Administrator Quick Reference Guide. Note: PearsonAccess will timeout after 14 minutes of inactivity.
Questions? Type in Q&A Administration Schedule and Timing 15 Districts have selected one week within the administration window(s) to administer paper-based test(s). For security purposes, testing at a school should be completed in this one-week window if possible; however, up to two consecutive weeks will be allowed to accommodate computer-based testing needs. October 24 – October 26: Additional make-up days for CBT tests For the FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake, districts may schedule one or more sessions per day, depending on school-level circumstances. Any deviation from this schedule requires written approval from the FDOE prior to implementation. TestTesting WindowDuration FCAT Reading Retake (CBT Optional) October 10 – 21, 2011Untimed FCAT Mathematics RetakeOctober 10 – 21, 2011Untimed FCAT 2.0 Reading RetakeOctober 10 – 21, sessions up to ½ school day each, over 2 days
Questions? Type in Q&A FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake Timing 16 Test will be administered in two sessions over two days. Each session will last up to ½ school day. School administrators should determine the length of ½ a school day and communicate this timing information to test administrators. Students may not work in Session 2 on Day 1, or go back to Session 1 on Day 2. Seal Codes will be in place for CBT non-accommodated forms. Students will exit the test at the end of Session 1 and will need to be resumed in PearsonAccess prior to the start of Session 2 on day 2.
Questions? Type in Q&A Accommodations Updates 17 TestHear accommodated forms (e.g., large print, screen reader, color contrast, zoom, assistive devices) are available for this administration. Any student who requires an accommodated CBT form will need to test using TestHear software. Paper accommodations are also available for the assessments. Students requiring administration accommodations can test on the computer (see the Fall 2011 Computer-Based Test Accommodations Guide).
Questions? Type in Q&A Students To Be Tested 18 FCAT Reading In general, all students who entered Grade 9 prior to Fall 2009 and are pursuing a standard Florida high school diploma must pass the Reading portion of the Grade 10 FCAT, or obtain concordant scores on the ACT or SAT, as one of the requirements for graduation. FCAT Mathematics Students who entered Grade 9 in Fall 2009 or earlier and are pursuing a standard Florida high school diploma must pass the Mathematics portion of the Grade 10 FCAT, or obtain concordant scores on the ACT or SAT, as one of the requirements for graduation. FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake In general, all students who entered Grade 9 in 2009 and beyond and are pursuing a standard Florida high school diploma must pass the Grade 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading test as one of the requirements for graduation.
Questions? Type in Q&A Training Test Administrators 19 Test administrators must contact the school assessment coordinator if the following occurs: A student has not participated in a practice test. A student has trouble logging in the first time. A student cannot see the shading on the Test Group Code screen. A test administrator does not have a Student Authorization Ticket. A student’s name or student ID number is not correct (e.g., misspelled) on the Student Authorization Ticket. A test administrator is concerned that a student is unable (e.g., too ill) to finish the test. A student exits the test to finish later and logs out of the test session. A student is in the wrong session.
Questions? Type in Q&A Proctors 20 * It is recommended that a proctor be assigned to a room with 25 or fewer students whenever possible studentsTest Administrator* students Test Administrator and 1 Proctor students Test Administrator and 2 Proctors
Questions? Type in Q&A Required Administration Information 21 Students assigned to each test administrator’s room Attendance information Accommodations provided Test group code Signatures for when secure materials are received and returned Session Roster can be used to record most (if not all) of this information.
Questions? Type in Q&A Seating Chart 22 Test administrators are asked to complete a seating chart for each test session (they will need to complete two for Reading Retake 2.0 sessions). The seating chart should include the following information: Room name/number Student names and their location in the room during testing Date Time Subject tested Test Administrator’s name Names of proctors (if applicable) Test group code Session name in PearsonAccess
Questions? Type in Q&A Session Roster 23
Questions? Type in Q&A Attendance Codes 24 Attendance P = Present A = Absent W = Withdrawn P/I = Present but Invalidated
Questions? Type in Q&A Accommodations Codes 25 (Directions are provided in the Fall 2011 CBT Accommodations Guide) For ESE/504 students: 1-FP = Flexible Presentation 1-FR = Flexible Responding 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling 1-FSE = Flexible Setting 1-AD = Assistive Devices For ELL students: 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling 2-FSE = Flexible Setting 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
Questions? Type in Q&A Student Authorization Tickets 26 If the Last Name, First Name, or ID number are incorrect, the student cannot use the ticket. The ID number will show the last five digits of the Florida Student Number OR the last four digits of the Social Security Number and an X. If the Date of Birth is the only incorrect field, the student may use the ticket and the birth date can be updated after testing with the student database manager.
Questions? Type in Q&A Seal Codes (FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake only) 27 4-digit code for students to enter Session 2 on Day 2 One Seal Code per session that all students will enter (similar to Test Group Code) Available in PearsonAccess under “Authorizations.” Auto-generated in the system.
Questions? Type in Q&A In Session 1, students will only be able to click “Next Section” from the Go To screen. Once they proceed beyond the Go To screen, they cannot return to Session 1. TestNav will show 3 sections of the test with answered/unanswered questions. Section 1 is the Welcome screen/student pledge/test group code section. Section 2 is questions 1-27 (Session 1). Section 3 is questions (Session 2). FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake Seal Code 28
Questions? Type in Q&A The Session 2 Seal Code screen includes a stop sign and a box to enter the seal code. Students cannot return to Session 1 from this screen. Test administrators should not post the seal code until instructed to do so in the script on Day 2. FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake Seal Code 29
Questions? Type in Q&A Other District Assessment Coordinator Tasks 30 Creating PearsonAccess Accounts – See from Susie Lee sent on 8/30/2011 Includes CBT Test Administrator accounts. Districts should distribute these instructions to schools if they will be responsible for creating these accounts. Arrange for Special Program Students to Test – See Fall 2011 CBT Manual for more information District Readiness Activities – See from Chancellor Grego sent on 8/15/2011
Questions? Type in Q&A District Readiness Activities 31 Complete Computer-Based Assessments Certification All schools who will participate in the FCAT or FCAT 2.0 computer- based assessments this fall must complete the survey in the tool. sent from Chancellor Grego on 8/15/2011 includes instructions and reference materials (forwarded to districts by Susie Lee). Guide to the Computer-Based Assessments Certification Tool is also posted to District-level submission is due two weeks prior to the first day of the test administration window. Districts will establish school survey deadlines.
Questions? Type in Q&A Practice Tests (ePATs) 32 Students are required to participate in a practice test at the school using the script provided in the Fall 2011 CBT administration manual. Practice test is delivered using an ePAT (electronic practice assessment tool). ePAT is available for students to practice on their own. After participating in a practice test, students can request a four-function hand-held calculator. TestHear ePATs are available for students who will use accommodated CBT forms (e.g., zoom, screen reader, color contrast, large print, assistive devices).
Questions? Type in Q&A Test Materials for Students 33 Student Authorization Tickets (secure materials) Students need a Login ID and Test Code (password) for each test session. Students need a pencil or pen to sign their tickets. FCAT Mathematics Florida Computer-Based Testing Work Folders Four-Function Calculators Reference Sheets (schools can provide paper copies)
Questions? Type in Q&A Student Comment Forms 34 Student comment forms can be accessed at m. m This feedback is important to the FDOE and the contractor. Please encourage all test administrators to have their students complete comment forms. Technology coordinators may create shortcuts to the comment forms. If so, test administrators should be updated on how students should access comment forms.
Questions? Type in Q&A Note About Exiting TestNav 35 There is a final “close” screen, after which the student returns to the desktop. If the school permits this, test administrators can add an instruction at the end of the scripts to tell students NOT to close the final screen.
Questions? Type in Q&A Notes About Creating Test Sessions 36 PreID Upload Districts were able to create sessions during the PreID upload. FCAT Reading —sessions will have the prefix RRT FCAT Math—sessions will have the prefix MRT FCAT 2.0 Reading —sessions will have the prefix RR2
Questions? Type in Q&A Notes about Creating Test Sessions 37 Create Test Sessions Three ways of organizing test sessions 1.By Test Group – only includes students in a particular group (e.g., class, testing room) who will be testing together. You will need to use this option with TestHear sessions. Advantage: PearsonAccess can be used to manage the testing groups and session rosters will include only one group of students testing together Disadvantage: will require setup and management of more sessions 2.By Test Day – includes all students in a school to be tested in a subject on a particular day Advantage: greater security because a session can be started and stopped on the same day Disadvantage: it requires coordination of testing groups at the school
Questions? Type in Q&A Notes About Creating Test Sessions 38 Create Test Sessions (continued) 3.By Test Administration – includes all students scheduled to be tested in a subject during the entire test administration Advantage: limits setup and management to one session and additional make-up sessions do not need to be created Disadvantage: test sessions are open and active during the entire testing window, which may present a security concern; greater coordination of testing groups at schools; and may be cumbersome to locate and manage specific students
Questions? Type in Q&A Questions? 39 Type in Q&A
Questions? Type in Q&A PearsonAccess - Filters and Search Fields 40 Any column with this button can be filtered. To filter data, click the symbol and enter the filter criteria. The column will be filtered according to the search term. Clicking on the column heading also allows you to sort the data in descending or ascending order. Once the data is sorted, an up or down arrow appears after the column heading.
Questions? Type in Q&A Demonstration – Before Testing 41 Logging in to PearsonAccess Verifying Student Information (Creating a Session, Verifying Student Data, etc.) Deleting a Student Adding a Student Adding a Test Assignment and Changing Tested Grade Verifying All Students are in Test Sessions Moving a Student to Another Session Removing a Student from a Session Assigning a Specific Form (Accommodations) Printing Authorization Tickets, Seal Codes, and Session Rosters
Questions? Type in Q&A Demonstration – During Testing 42 Starting a Session Monitoring Sessions Resuming Student Tests
Questions? Type in Q&A Demonstration – After Testing 43 Marking tests complete Invalidating tests Recording accommodations Instructions provided in the Fall 2011 CBT Accommodations Guide. Stopping a Session Note: Recording accommodations, invalidating tests, and any updates to student information in PearsonAccess must occur by 4:59 p.m. on Friday of the week of testing. For the makeup days of October 24 – 26, updates must be completed at the end of each day.
Questions? Type in Q&A Contact Information 44 Pearson Support Monday thru Friday, 7:00 am - 8:30 pm (EST) FDOE Bureau of K-12 Assessment CBT Specialists Jenny Black, , Tara Gardner, ,
Questions? Type in Q&A Evaluation 45 Please provide feedback on the session today (Google Form) &formkey=dDJzcENjMGJ4NzhPalFkeXZIVVhZVkE6MA#gi d=0 or
Questions? Type in Q&A Questions? 46 This PowerPoint and one recorded training session will be posted to