Vela L&EO Checks Service Challenge Kickoff, 30 November, 2006 Damien P. & Lucas G. for Bordeaux 1 Instrument verifications using early Vela data Towards.


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Presentation transcript:

Vela L&EO Checks Service Challenge Kickoff, 30 November, 2006 Damien P. & Lucas G. for Bordeaux 1 Instrument verifications using early Vela data Towards some Instrument verifications using early Vela data With Vela pulsar light curve, sanity checks on two things: 1)The x-axis 2)The y-axis Lucas Guillemot & Damien Parent for D. Dumora, T. Reposeur, D. Smith CENBG (in2p3), Bordeaux, France

Vela L&EO Checks Service Challenge Kickoff, 30 November, 2006 Damien P. & Lucas G. for Bordeaux 2 Timing & Flux  X-axis = Timing: find light curves as per Damien's DC2 work. Check absolute phase, pulse widths. Problems? See =========================================================  Y-axis = Flux, , where  = N  /T/A with N  the number of gammas after analysis cuts, T the corrected exposure time, and A the detector acceptance or effective area.  Of course, how we really get  is using IRF's instead of A, via gtlikelihood.  IRF's depend on cut efficiencies determined from Monte Carlo.  GOAL: Compare MC cut efficiencies with those observed in real data.

Vela L&EO Checks Service Challenge Kickoff, 30 November, 2006 Damien P. & Lucas G. for Bordeaux 3 Cut efficiencies  Consider the whole data chain: Cozmix  triggers  OBF, telemetry to ground  raw recon  cuts 1,2,3...  Trigger rates: beyond the scope of our current ambitions, being done by others.  Start from "raw recon". Select Vela ROI. Apply the standard gamma I.D./b'grd rejection cuts, one by one.  Built FITS so that we can use gtbary and thus make light curve.  Once you see pulsation, can estimate the gamma acceptance using the on-pulse rate, and the background rejection using the off-pulse rate, from cut i to cut i+1.  Separate event classes: start with "near axis, far from cracks" then expand.  Build table comparing MC and data. If agreement, believe IRF's and thus believe . Quantify systematic uncertainties, .  Future expansion?: move one step upstream, try to test the OBF efficiency ( On Board Filter ).

Vela L&EO Checks Service Challenge Kickoff, 30 November, 2006 Damien P. & Lucas G. for Bordeaux 4 Cartoon of the gedanken experiment  the light curve sketch goes here. Perhaps also table from celeste Crab ApJ and or from dave's W/Z cross-section PRL (oh no that's different).  Indicate the off-pulse region (  > 0.65).

Vela L&EO Checks Service Challenge Kickoff, 30 November, 2006 Damien P. & Lucas G. for Bordeaux 5 Tools we already have  Summary of Thierry's accomplishments goes here, quite possibly 3 slides.  Somewhere could we put in the monster cut list? Perhaps as an extra slide? Let's at least look at it ourselves before you leave.  review the class A,B baloney

Vela L&EO Checks Service Challenge Kickoff, 30 November, 2006 Damien P. & Lucas G. for Bordeaux 6 What do we need?  We've done some little simulations ourselves  But we want the biggest bestest Service Challenge simulations, including background and OBF and hoo-nose-what to do this right.

Vela L&EO Checks Service Challenge Kickoff, 30 November, 2006 Damien P. & Lucas G. for Bordeaux 7 My service task : D4.fits 215 GLAST Pulsars which need precise ephemerides… especially ms pulsars ! Radiotelescopes (Nançay, Parkes, Jodrell, Arecibo…)Ephemerides D4.fits ! gtpulsardb What we plan to do : COMPILE DATA Collect ephemerides Are all pulsars being monitored ? Load them into D4.fits CHECK DATA Ephemerides must not be out of date Are they precise enough ? My thesis goal : Discovery of γ-ray emission from millisecond pulsars A summary of our beginning work :

Vela L&EO Checks Service Challenge Kickoff, 30 November, 2006 Damien P. & Lucas G. for Bordeaux 8 My thesis goal : Spectral measurement of normal γ-ray pulsars My service task : Response verification D4.fits ! Script to run ScienceTools  Validation of background rejection and gamma identification cuts for different event classes.  Towards cut optimization for pulsars… … the chain continues

Vela L&EO Checks Service Challenge Kickoff, 30 November, 2006 Damien P. & Lucas G. for Bordeaux 9 Miscellaneous  There are 25 high Edot pulsars in the same field of view as Vela, we will search for pulsations in the first available data sets. If successful, allows further checks of pointing and timing.  Can we coordinate/cooperate with the ISOC people planning automated, routine pulsar checks? Feel free to (try to) enlist us! What, me worry?