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. False Dispatch Reduction, It’s good for business!
WHO IS SIAC? Need for One-Voice to Represent the Alarm Industry! Started Operation (c)(6) Non-Profit Governed by the Four North American Alarm Associations
We manage the alarm issue for the major North American security trade associations. One voice for the alarm industry…
SIAC, We work to… Reduce Dispatches Educate all parties – Solutions Share Information Promote/Support effective ordinances Support Measures to Help Recover Costs to Law Enforcement
Staff of Experts… Experience: 65 years in Law Enforcement Over 100 years in Alarm Industry Management Unique team unequaled in North America Addressed/Assisted 1000’s of agencies FREE AVAILABLE TO LAW ENFORCEMENT & INDUSTRY AS A FREE RESOURCE!
Cooperative efforts… Participate with IACP & NSA leaders & others Conduct Seminars at National, State & Local Meetings FBI – LEEDA Training Assist alarm administrators on ordinance preparation
SIAC Action Items… Ordinance w/Best Practices – Enforced! ECV (Multiple Call Verification) ANSI CP-01 Equipment Requirement Work w/ Worst Abusers Train and Retrain Customers Service Promptly Communication & Cooperation
Historical Concerns… WHY Reduce Alarm Dispatches? Officer Safety Police Resource Usage Fines Real Threat of Non-Response User Safety
What about business? Why reduce false dispatches? Maintain Company Value Company Reputation Better Account Retention Preserve Police Response Service Revenue Central Station Activity
Establishing the value of your company. Alarm companies are traditionally valued based on the recurring revenue generated by their customers. Alarm company’s are bought and sold by a formula based on a multiple of the recurring revenue stream. In rare cases additional value may be given to a company’s dominance in a market.
What do false alarms have to do with evaluating my company’s value? A high number of false alarms and a high number of false dispatches can be an indicator of service or installation issues. Companies with a high number of false alarms typically have unhappy customers and unhappy customers don’t pay in a timely manner.
Account Retention Non-Response = 10% to 20% loss in monitoring revenue. Combined with normal attrition a hold back could result in a 30 to 40% reduction in company value.
Non Response = Lower Multiples Companies that purchase accounts pay less for accounts in markets where there is a non response policy in place.
How do I know if I have a problem? Nationally the alarm industry has a combined factor of.90, or just under 1 dispatch per system per year. What is your alarm factor? Divide your annual dispatches by the number of monitored customers. 500 customers and 500 dispatches= customers and 250 dispatches = 0.5
How do I address the problem? Start With 3 Step Approach COMBATING ALARM DISPATCHES
The 3 Steps To Managing Alarms Step One Enhanced Call Verification Step Two Use CP-01 Listed Equipment Step Three Target Worst Abusers
Step One ANSI/ CSAA Standard for Enhanced Call Verification or ECV
Enhanced Call Verification ECV delays dispatch less than 1 minute. ECV reduces dispatches by up to 50%. Fewer Dispatches = Faster Net Response ECV reduces call loads at and at the alarm monitoring company!
Enhanced Call Verification ECV is required in Virginia, Florida and Texas as well as some local jurisdictions. ECV is endorsed by IACP, NSA and FARA ECV is an ANSI Approved Standard ANSI/ CSAA CS-V XX ECV is a proven method to reduce dispatches
Implementing ECV in Your Company Notify your customers of the change. Verification must be to two different numbers. Ask your customers for Cellular numbers as the second contact number. If using a 3 rd party monitoring company, notify them of this new procedure..
Step Two ANSI/ SIA CP-01 Control Panel Standard
CP-01 Equipment In an effort to deal long term with the cause of false dispatch requests the alarm industry developed a control panel standard to once and for all address the high incidence of customer error.
ALL ASSOCIATIONS PARTICIPATED AIREF Alarm Industry Research & Education Foundation CSAA Central Station Alarm Association NBFAA National Burglar & Fire Alarm Association SIA Security Industry Association CANASA Canadian Alarm Security Association
UL COMPLIANT UL Local Burglar Alarm UL 611 & Central Station BA UL Mercantile & Bank UL Fire Protective Signals UL 985 & Household Fire, BA UL Digital BA Communicators UL Residential Systems
WHY NEW STANDARDS? Meeting of Industry Professionals... Need for further reductions... Need for standardization... Based on known solutions... Based on HIGH user error... MOST Panel Manufacturers Participated!
False Dispatch Elimination Most User Errors - During Entry/Exit: User Arms - Exits - Re-enters… User Arms - Fails to Exit in time… User Arms - Building still Occupied… User Arms - Exits Through Wrong Door… User Arms - Fails to exit at all...
False Dispatch Elimination Most User Errors - During Entry/Exit: User enters - forgets code… User enters - fails to disarm within delay time… User enters - unfamiliar with system... User enters - through the wrong door… non-delayed no keypad - unable to hear prewarn
New Control Panel Standards Exit Delay: Default - 60 seconds (Min 45 sec) Progress Annunciation - different sound the last 10 seconds of delay AUTOMATIC RESTART of exit delay, ONCE! (upon re-entry) Recent Closing - signal sent if alarm within 2 minutes of Exit time expiration
New Control Panel Standards Exit Delay: Fail to exit - arms all zones STAY MODE Remote annunciation supported by panel Exit Time DOUBLED if user disables pre-warning. (dealer cannot disable globally) Exit Error - Immediate local alarm...
New Control Panel Standards Entry Delay: Default 30 seconds (Minimum 30 sec) Progress Annunciation - different sound last ten seconds of delay Pre-Warning Silenced - after 1st digit code entry Cancel Message window after abort window - 5 minutes
ALL BURG ZONES… “ABORT WINDOW” Burglary - default 30 sec* (15-45 range) Fire - default No delay Hold-up/Tamper - No delay *May disable by zone or zone type! LOCAL ALARM STILL SOUNDS - ONLY COMMUNICATION IS DELAYED
New Control Panel Standards Other New Features: Upon Power Restoral 60 second settling out period.. NO ALARM SIGNALS TRANSMITTED! Swinger shut-down - default - “ 1 ” (MAX-2) Will reset after 48 hours - with no trips NEW (OPTIONAL)- Swinger Trouble signal sent after 1st trip Universal disarming sequence - code only
New Control Panel Standards Other New Features: Cross Zoning features available 1+ duress Eliminated! *70 Call Waiting - 2nd Call Option… Test in Progress Features Preset Automatic Arming - Audible ! New “Simple” Instruction Card!
New Standards & UL UL - Testing to the new standards... New UL sticker on panels... LISTED DESIGN EVALUATED BY UL IN ACCORDANCE WITH SIA CP-01 Control Panel Standard - Features for False Alarm Reduction
Implementing CP-01 Educate your installation and service personnel how to program to the requirements of the standard. Start with all new installations. Use on all service replacements. Target worst offenders.
Step Three Working with Worst Offenders
Working With Abusers Identify those customers with the highest number of false dispatches. Usually less than 10% of client base. Schools Municipal Buildings Churches Banks Large Retailers Other locations with multiple users
Establish Your Base Line Nationally Residential alarm systems have a dispatch rate of.30. Commercial alarm systems have a dispatch rate of 1.27.
Identify The Problems 1. Most likely problem is user error. 2. Second most common problem, is misapplication of technology. 3. Third most common is power related.
User Error Over 75% of all dispatches are the result of user error with over half occurring during the entry/ exit periods. Check delay periods, use CP-01 Defaults; Minimum 60 seconds Exit and 30 seconds Entry Eliminate all 1+ duress programming; Program call waiting “*70” prefix; Make certain customer knows the phone number and process to cancel a false alarm.
Misapplication of Equipment Most common is inadequate technology to match environment for motion detectors. Use only motion detectors that meet ANSI/ SIA PR-01 Standard. Harsh Environments Pets Use only contacts that meet the ANSI SIA Contact Standard.
Weather Related Alarms Most bad weather alarms are result of weak or outdated batteries. Follow battery manufacturer’s recommendations for battery replacement. Doors and windows that are warped or misaligned need wide gap magnets.
False Panic or Hold Up Alarms Use only dual action or recessed buttons. Reprogram all 1+ duress alarms. Wire two bill traps in parallel.
What else you can do... In House Employee Training Pro-Active Approach (Set-up Team) Use new standards on existing panels Call customers within 24 hours of event Service promptly! Target 10 Worst Offenders Monthly Use Central Station Software to Track! Be an ACTIVE Member of the Local, State and National Associations SIAC Website… Resource Center Model Ordinance SIAC Resource CD Standards Training Presentations Contact Information