M.Teshima MPI für Physik, München (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) for MAGIC collaboration MAGIC
MAGIC Telescope 17 m diameter parabolic reflecting surface (240 m 2 ) Analog signal transport via optical fibers 3-level trigger system & 300 MHz FADC system Active mirror control (PSF: 90% of light in 0.1 o inner pixel) high reflective diamond milled aluminum mirrors Light weight Carbon fiber structure for fast repositioning o FOV camera high QE PMTs (QE max = 30%)
Highlights of MAGIC observations in Cycle 1 (last one year) Crab Nebular SZA & LZA Mrk421 (0.031)Mrk501 (0.034) IAU Circular #8562 Galactic CenterHESS J1813GRB050713a GRB (in prompt phase) HESS J CO cloud 1ES2344 (z=0.044)1ES1218 (z=0.18) New Source 1ES1959 (0.047)PG 1553 (Z>0.25) New source LSI Micro-Quasar
Crab Nebula Preliminary
Galactic Center
HESS J Dark Particle Accelerator -- SNR
Gamma-Ray Emission Processes
HESS J1834 extended source VLA 20cm Radio Molecular Cloud 13 CO
TeV micro-quasar LS I In periastronIn 0.2~0.5 from periastron
LS I X-Ray Binary System with Radio jet 26.5 days orbital period Distance ~2kpc
Intensities as a function of orbital phase (26.5days orbital period)
Energy Spectrum LS I
Extra galactic sources AGNs M87
Extragalactic sources PKS2005PG1553 New Sources Spectral Indices of new sources range 3~4
Absorption of gamma rays in the universe Pair Creation; γ + γ e + + e -
The SSC framework Fossati et al Higher Z Higher source luminosity Lower IC peak softer spectrum X-ray intensity at 1keV PG μJy z~0.3 Mrk μJy z=0.03 Mrk μJy z=0.03 PG1553’s source luminosity ~100 x Mrk
Mrk421 (z=0.031) AGN (Blazar)
Mrk501 Giant flare 2005 July 01, IAU Circular #8562 2min resolution Light curve
1ES (z=0.182) Preliminary Soft Energy Spectrum
PG 1553 (z>0.25 unknown) Very Soft energy spectrum the attenuation by pair creation or nature of SSC mechanism MAGIC Z < 0.58
GRB observation by MAGIC MAGIC GLAST Pulse Duration “short” “long” Uniformity ~10sec GRB trigger Satellite to MAGIC ~20sec MAGIC slewing time
But we knew later z = 6.3 MAGIC made an observation in the period of the main prompt emission!!
Summary MAGIC Sources We have seen ~15 sources including several new sources We have seen ~15 sources including several new sources Micro-Quasars are playing an important role as a source of galactic cosmic rays Micro-Quasars are playing an important role as a source of galactic cosmic rays New 100GeV HBLs show steep spectra New 100GeV HBLs show steep spectra The attenuation by e+- creation The nature of SSC mechanism GRB observations GRB observations 2 among 9 observations were done in prompt phase Eventually MAGIC may see VHE gammas from GRBs Second telescope MAGIC-II is under the construction in La Palma Next year we will start stereo observation 2 times better sensitivity number of sources may increase ~50 Next year we will start stereo observation 2 times better sensitivity number of sources may increase ~50 HESS and MAGIC people are planning CTA after HESS and MAGIC experiment 10 times better sensitivity than HESS and MAGIC 10 times better sensitivity than HESS and MAGIC 1000 VHE sources in norhtern and southern hemisphere 1000 VHE sources in norhtern and southern hemisphere
March 2006
By W.Hofmann ∝ N tel ∝ Area 50hrs Background LimitedSignal Limited
Kifune’s Plot (my optimistic expectation) ~3000 sources by GLAST, AGILE ~1000 sources by CTA GLAST AGILE