Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. Response 5 There is more than one way to succeed in college. Consider for a moment what it is about reading that you struggle with. Write down those struggles and what you think you might be able to do to overcome them. When you’re done answering Peer Planner Eval Study for quiz on chpt 4
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. Quiz Chpt 4 Who wants to be a millionaire?
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. Problem Solving 1.Get back into the same groups you were in for the problem solving last week. 2.Review the problem. Are there any new solutions? 3.Re-evaluate the final solution you came up with. Is it still good? The Best? 4.Did anyone in your group try to use this solution? How did it work out?
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. Chapter 5 Reading and Studying: Focusing on Content Keys to Success, Sixth Edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. “Successful intelligence is… most effective when it balances all three of its analytical, creative, and practical aspects. It is more important to know when and how to use these aspects of successful intelligence than just to have them.” Robert Sternberg
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. More than one way to succeed On the handed out piece of paper, write your initials in the upper left corner. Turn the paper over. Write a struggle you are having with reading. Turn in the papers, I will pick them up and redistribute them Suggest how to deal with the problem you are now presented.
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. Real Questions, Practical Answers How can I improve my reading and studying despite my learning disabilities?
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. What Will Improve Your Reading Comprehension? Expectations (pg 137) Active approach to difficult texts (pg 139) Learn to concentrate (pg 142) Define your reading purpose (pg 142) Spend enough time (pg 143) Use special strategies with math & science (pg 144) Expand your vocabulary (pg 145) Use memory aids
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. Common myths about Reading You have to read every word Reading once is enough It is SINFUL to skip passages in reading Machines are necessary to improve my reading speed If I skim or read too rapidly, my comprension will drop There is something about my eyes that keeps me from reading fast.
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. Approaching a Difficult Text Think positively Have an open mind Look for order and meaning in seemingly chaotic reading materials Don’t expect to master material on the first pass Know that some texts require extra work and concentration Define unclear concepts and words Ask yourself questions Be honest with yourself
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. Approach this text 1.In a group – read this text 2.Skim it, make a note of what you THINK it will be about 3.Circle words you don’t know (or aren’t 100% on what they mean) 4.Take notes down the side
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. Concentration Be intensely involved Banish extraneous thoughts onto paper Deal with internal distractions Compartmentalize your life Analyze your environment to see if it helps or hurts concentration Don’t let technology distract you Structure your study session so you know the time you will spend and the material you will study Plan a reward
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. Define Your Reading Purpose Read for understanding Read to evaluate analytically Read for practical application Read for pleasure
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. Your challenge: Committing the time and effort required for studying means you must have TIME to READ
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. On a scale from 1–10 (1= lowest,10 = highest), how committed are you to spending the time it takes to read and study? (Use the # of credits x 3 rule for how many hours a week you should be reading lecture notes and textbooks!)
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. Special Strategies for Math and Science Texts Interact with the material critically as you go Note formulas Use memory techniques
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. How Can SQ3R Help You Own What You Read? Survey Question Read Recite Review
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. SQ3R – Worksheet SURVEYSURVEY – Scan and Skim. Look at the organization of the text: front and back. QUESTIONQUESTION – Develop questions before and during reading. READREAD – read actively – use highlighters, mark up the text! Answer your questions, write notes in the margins. RECITERECITE – use practical skills: read aloud, repeat silently, tell another person, write your answers without looking! REVIEWREVIEW – Reread your margin notes and highlighted sentences. Quiz yourself. Make flash cards. Recall important terms.
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. Finding the Main Idea Search for the topic of the paragraph Identify the aspect of the topic that is the paragraph’s focus Find what the author wants you to know about that specific aspect – this is the MAIN IDEA!
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. How Can You Respond Critically to What You Read? Use Knowledge of Fact and Opinion to Evaluate Arguments –What is the quality of the evidence? –How well does the evidence support the idea?
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. How Do You Customize Your Text with Highlighting and Notes? How to Highlight a Text –Develop your own system and stick to it! –Read it first, before you mark it up! –Avoid overmarking How to Take Text Notes –Marginal Notes –Full-Text Summaries
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. How to Mark up a Page Mark up a page to learn a page (pg 161).
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. Evaluation time! Take a moment to evaluate this class How can we (you and I together) improve the class/material/lessons? 15 minutes to evaluate DO NOT WRITE YOUR NAME ON THIS!
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. Thinking Successfully About Reading and Studying Analytical thinking: considering how you can read more effectively; developing critical reading skills Creative thinking: thinking of different ways to overcome your reading challenges Practical thinking: making your study plan work!
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. Yokomeshi Reading your college textbooks may feel at times like what this Japanese word literally means, “eating a meal sideways.” The Japanese use this word to describe how difficult it is to learn a foreign language since Japanese characters are vertical while most other world languages are horizontal. How would you apply this word to your life?
Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills, 6 th edition Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey All rights reserved. “ Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” Carl Sagan, American astronomer