Peel District School Board Middle School Education in Peel
Young adolescents undergo rapid, uneven physical, intellectual, social and emotional growth experience uncertainty and self-doubt are intensely curious
need to belong and contribute like to interact with peers during learning experiences Young adolescents
prefer active over passive learning have a strong sense of justice need to have their dignity respected, especially when being guided to make positive choices
Middle School climate safe, caring, inviting and personal work to eliminate bullying foster the sense of individuality and community
Middle School climate foster student voices and choices encourage hetereogenous grouping of students
Middle School climate strong mentoring and guidance system rich programme in athletics and the arts employ cooperative learning methods
Middle School climate provide opportunities for student leadership and community service provide opportunities for parent and community involvement
Middle School teachers make a choice to be in a middle school setting reflect the cultural diversity of the school balance of males and females
Middle School teachers maintain control when others cannot display optimism, flexibility and a sense of humour believe that all students have strengths, talents and the ability to learn
Organizational structures: create a learning community physical space to allow for large and small group meetings interdisciplinary team organizations at all grade levels
Organizational structures: create a learning community A commitment to involve parents by keeping them informed of student progress Common planning times for grades/disciplines
Organizational structures: effective timetabling large blocks of instructional time to allow flexibility in meeting students’ needs rotary kept to a minimum
Organizational structures: effective timetabling opportunities for student choice daily common planning times for teams, within the school day
Organizational structures: positive relationships balance of specialty and generalist teachers focus on student contact and relationship building
Organizational structures: positive relationships Limit the number of teachers each student sees during the day Regular contact with parents through agendas, open houses, etc.
Organizational structures: positive relationships guidance and counselling services small group and individual guidance provided by classroom teachers
Organizational structures: positive relationships Focus on sixth grade students as they transition to new school Positive connection between school and parents and community
Organizational structures: programming integration of core subjects (L.A., History and Geography; Math/Science/Tech) wide variety of extra curricular activites strong advisory programme
Organizational structures: programming structures to ensure smooth transitions between school environments structures to address needs of all learners
Organizational structures: programming programming promotes self esteem as fundamental in building identity
Organizational structures: programming provide staff with training and equipment in computers/technology commitment to regular health and physical fitness activities
Teaching and learning programme is engaging and stimulating provides students with choice relates learning to their world, focusing on their issues
Teaching and learning curriculum is delivered in integrated units blocks of instruction teachers are continually checking in with students
Teaching and learning review time built into lessons teachers take responsibility for all aspects of their students: social/emotional/intellectual/physical well being
Teaching and learning activity based learning over Socratic style performance based assessment
Teaching and learning encourage higher order thinking provide opportunities to integrate technology support and value teacher/student relationships
Middle Schools in Peel Thomas Street Middle School Ruth Thompson Middle School
Photographs by: Janet Currie Media Technology Specialist Peel District School Board 2005