Understanding the Curriculum
Aims of Education What are the purposes of introducing IT/computer studies into the school curriculum?
History of CS curriculum development Inception of CS to Sec. School Inception of IT Major curriculum revision 2007
Sources of Aims Child-centred Social and Economic Efficiency AcademicRationalist Social Reconstruction Curricular Aims
This view stress: Society ’ s needs the role of schools for preparing future citizens who are economically productive, able to get jobs and fit into society Curriculum → meets the practical needs of society Social and Economic Efficiency
Problem: To decide which knowledge and skills will be most useful in an unknown future Individuals are only valued in terms of their contribution to society Social and Economic Efficiency
This view was put forward partly as a reaction to the authoritarian nature of some education systems. This view stresses: the needs and growth of individual children exploration, investigation and students ’ choice as key elements which set them on the path of meaningful learning (insights derived from educational psychology) Child-Centred
Problem: The problem lies in the assumption that students want to learn something and that if they do they will learn something worthwhile. Child-Centred
This view focuses: Development of students ’ intellect and rationality Enlightening students with the concepts and information which can be derived from the established disciplines Using the disciplines as a vehicle for prompting students ’ thinking and problem solving capabilities Transmission of knowledge from one generation to the next. Academic Rationalist
Problem: Though many philosophers have tried to identify the essential structure of human knowledge in an attempt to provide the basis for curriculum planning. The central issue which has to be solved is to decide which knowledge is most worthwhile. Academic Rationalist
This is a variation on the social efficiency perspective. This view focuses: improve society Through schooling, to improve society in the future Developing knowledge, skills and attitudes which would create a world where people care about each other, the environment and the distribution of wealth. acceptance of diversity peace Tolerance, the acceptance of diversity and peace would be encouraged. Social injusticesinequality Social injustices and inequality would be central issues in the curriculum. Social Reconstructionism
Problem: The problem with this viewpoint is the assumption that schools can change society. It is also unclear whose vision of a future society is ‘ correct ’. Social Reconstructionism
Curriculum Components Intentions Content Teaching and learning methods Assessment Curriculum Conceptions and Curriculum Components
Academic Rationalism Social and economic efficiency Child- centred Social re- constructionism IntentionTo enhance students ’ intellectual capabilities and cognitive skills, and to teach them how to learn To provide for the current and future manpower needs of a society To provide students with opportunities for enhancing their personal and intellectual development The school serves as an agent for social reform, changes and criticism Curri. Comp. Image
Curriculum Conceptions and Curriculum Components Academic Rationalism Social and economic efficiency Child- centred Social re- constructionism IntentionTo enhance students ’ intellectual capabilities and cognitive skills, and to teach them how to learn To provide for the current and future manpower needs of a society To provide students with opportunities for enhancing their personal and intellectual development The school serves as an agent for social reform, changes and criticism Curri. Comp. Image
Curriculum Conceptions and Curriculum Components Academic Rationalism Social and economic efficiency Child- centred Social re- constructionism IntentionTo enhance students ’ intellectual capabilities and cognitive skills, and to teach them how to learn To provide for the current and future manpower needs of a society To provide students with opportunities for enhancing their personal and intellectual development The school serves as an agent for social reform, changes and criticism Curri. Comp. Image
Curriculum Conceptions and Curriculum Components Academic Rationalism Social and economic efficiency Child- centred Social re- constructionism IntentionTo enhance students ’ intellectual capabilities and cognitive skills, and to teach them how to learn To provide for the current and future manpower needs of a society To provide students with opportunities for enhancing their personal and intellectual development The school serves as an agent for social reform, changes and criticism Curri. Comp. Image
Curriculum Conceptions and Curriculum Components Academic Rationalism Social and economic efficiency Child- centred Social re- constructionism IntentionTo enhance students ’ intellectual capabilities and cognitive skills, and to teach them how to learn To provide for the current and future manpower needs of a society To provide students with opportunities for enhancing their personal and intellectual development The school serves as an agent for social reform, changes and criticism Curri. Comp. Image
Curriculum Conceptions and Curriculum Components Academic Rationalism Social and economic efficiency Child- centred Social re- constructionism ContentFocus on the knowledge, skills and values derived from the academic disciplines Focus on knowledge and skills which are useful and relevant to future employment Focus on knowledge as an integrated holistic entity and on the process learning Focus on social needs, issues and ideals Curri. Comp. Image
Curriculum Conceptions and Curriculum Components Academic Rationalism Social and economic efficiency Child- centred Social re- constructionism ContentFocus on the knowledge, skills and values derived from the academic disciplines Focus on knowledge and skills which are useful and relevant to future employment Focus on knowledge as an integrated holistic entity and on the process learning Focus on social needs, issues and ideals Curri. Comp. Image
Curriculum Conceptions and Curriculum Components Academic Rationalism Social and economic efficiency Child- centred Social re- constructionism ContentFocus on the knowledge, skills and values derived from the academic disciplines Focus on knowledge and skills which are useful and relevant to future employment Focus on knowledge as an integrated holistic entity and on the process learning Focus on social needs, issues and ideals Curri. Comp. Image
Curriculum Conceptions and Curriculum Components Academic Rationalism Social and economic efficiency Child- centred Social re- constructionism ContentFocus on the knowledge, skills and values derived from the academic disciplines Focus on knowledge and skills which are useful and relevant to future employment Focus on knowledge as an integrated holistic entity and on the process learning Focus on social needs, issues and ideals Curri. Comp. Image
Curriculum Conceptions and Curriculum Components Academic Rationalism Social and economic efficiency Child- centred Social re- constructionism ContentFocus on the knowledge, skills and values derived from the academic disciplines Focus on knowledge and skills which are useful and relevant to future employment Focus on knowledge as an integrated holistic entity and on the process learning Focus on social needs, issues and ideals Curri. Comp. Image
Curriculum Conceptions and Curriculum Components Academic Rationalism Social and economic efficiency Child- centred Social re- constructionism Teaching and learning methods Focus on teacher exposition and didactic teaching, and on promoting inquiry skills Emphasize application and skill mastery Emphasize students ’ activity and self learning, and the teacher as facilitator Focus on interaction, group work and students ’ involvement in community activities Curri. Comp. Image
Curriculum Conceptions and Curriculum Components Academic Rationalism Social and economic efficiency Child- centred Social re- constructionism Teaching and learning methods Focus on teacher exposition and didactic teaching, and on promoting inquiry skills Emphasize application and skill mastery Emphasize students ’ activity and self learning, and the teacher as facilitator Focus on interaction, group work and students ’ involvement in community activities Curri. Comp. Image
Curriculum Conceptions and Curriculum Components Academic Rationalism Social and economic efficiency Child- centred Social re- constructionism Teaching and learning methods Focus on teacher exposition and didactic teaching, and on promoting inquiry skills Emphasize application and skill mastery Emphasize students ’ activity and self learning, and the teacher as facilitator Focus on interaction, group work and students ’ involvement in community activities Curri. Comp. Image
Curriculum Conceptions and Curriculum Components Academic Rationalism Social and economic efficiency Child- centred Social re- constructionism Teaching and learning methods Focus on teacher exposition and didactic teaching, and on promoting inquiry skills Emphasize application and skill mastery Emphasize students ’ activity and self learning, and the teacher as facilitator Focus on interaction, group work and students ’ involvement in community activities Curri. Comp. Image
Curriculum Conceptions and Curriculum Components Academic Rationalism Social and economic efficiency Child- centred Social re- constructionism Teaching and learning methods Focus on teacher exposition and didactic teaching, and on promoting inquiry skills Emphasize application and skill mastery Emphasize students ’ activity and self learning, and the teacher as facilitator Focus on interaction, group work and students ’ involvement in community activities Curri. Comp. Image
Curriculum Conceptions and Curriculum Components Academic Rationalism Social and economic efficiency Child- centred Social re- constructionism AssessmentEmphasize testing of students ’ knowledge and skills, and on academic rigour Emphasize assessing students ’ ability to apply knowledge and skills Focus on qualitative measures that attempt to analyse the process of learning Focus on the need to involve students in their own assessment Curri. Comp. Image
Curriculum Conceptions and Curriculum Components Academic Rationalism Social and economic efficiency Child- centred Social re- constructionism AssessmentEmphasize testing of students ’ knowledge and skills, and on academic rigour Emphasize assessing students ’ ability to apply knowledge and skills Focus on qualitative measures that attempt to analyse the process of learning Focus on the need to involve students in their own assessment Curri. Comp. Image
Curriculum Conceptions and Curriculum Components Academic Rationalism Social and economic efficiency Child- centred Social re- constructionism AssessmentEmphasize testing of students ’ knowledge and skills, and on academic rigour Emphasize assessing students ’ ability to apply knowledge and skills Focus on qualitative measures that attempt to analyse the process of learning Focus on the need to involve students in their own assessment Curri. Comp. Image
Curriculum Conceptions and Curriculum Components Academic Rationalism Social and economic efficiency Child- centred Social re- constructionism AssessmentEmphasize testing of students ’ knowledge and skills, and on academic rigour Emphasize assessing students ’ ability to apply knowledge and skills Focus on qualitative measures that attempt to analyse the process of learning Focus on the need to involve students in their own assessment Curri. Comp. Image
Curriculum Conceptions and Curriculum Components Academic Rationalism Social and economic efficiency Child- centred Social re- constructionism AssessmentEmphasize testing of students ’ knowledge and skills, and on academic rigour Emphasize assessing students ’ ability to apply knowledge and skills Focus on qualitative measures that attempt to analyse the process of learning Focus on the need to involve students in their own assessment Curri. Comp. Image
Sources of Aims Child-centred Social and EconomicEfficiency AcademicRationalist SocialReconstruction parents teachers employers politicians secondary Technical/ vocation kindergarten/ primary
Child-Centred Social and EconomicEfficiencyAcademicRationalist SocialReconstruction Tensions in Educational Aims
None of the images or ideologies provides a complete basis for devising a curriculum and neither philosophy, psychology nor sociology can on its own be used to justify a curriculum. In reality all types of schools are trying to find some sort of balance between the four types of aims.
Reflection: Compare and contrast the 1984 and 2005 CS/IT curriculua with respect to their intentions; contents; suggested teaching and learning methods; assessments. Activity
Historic Trend in curriculum development of CS
History of CS curriculum development Inception of CS to Sec. School Inception of IT Major curriculum revision 2007
Aims of Education for 21 st Century (EMB 2000) all-round life-long learning innovatingadapting to changeteam spirit freedomdemocracy well-being of the nation To enable every person to attain all-round development according to his/her own attributes in the domains of ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics, so that he/she is capable of life-long learning, critical and explanatory thinking, innovating and adapting to change, filled with self-confidence and a team spirit; willing to put forward continuing effort for the prosperity, progress, freedom and democracy of his/her society, and contribute to the future and well-being of the nation and the world at large. Our priority should be to enable our students to enjoy learning, enhance their effectiveness in communication and develop their creativity and sense of commitment. Aims of Education
The Overall aims of the School Curriculum life- long learningwhole-person society nationworld coherent and flexible frameworkadapted to changes The school curriculum should provide all students with essential life- long learning experiences for whole-person development in the domains of ethics, intellect, physical development, social skills and aesthetics, according to individual potential, so that all students can become active, responsible and contributing members of society, the nation and the world. The school curriculum should help students to learn how to learn through cultivating positive values, attitudes, and a commitment to life-long learning, and through developing generic skills to acquire and construct knowledge. These qualities are essential for whole-person development to cope with challenges for the 21 st century. A quality curriculum for the 21 st century should therefore set the directions for teaching and learning through a coherent and flexible framework which can be adapted to changes and the different needs of the students and schools. Aims of Education
Child-Centred Social and EconomicEfficiencyAcademicRationalist SocialReconstruction Fusion of education aims knowledge economy knowledge skills To maintain social equity Knowledge is socially constructed and context- laden life-long learning skills for self-development
ICT in Education in the 21 st Century Child-Centred Social and Economic Efficiency Academic Rationalist Social Reconstruction To enhance competitiveness in the global market To maintain social equity by bridging the digital divide To enhance better understanding of subject matters To equip students with skills to support life-wide learning
Objectives: The students are expected to acquire 1. Knowledge of modern methods of information processing and their applications 2. Knowledge of the uses and limitations of computers 3. Problem-solving skills through interaction with computers 4. Understanding of the implications of computers in the modern world CS 1984
A. Evolution of Information Processing B. Computer Operation C. FlowCharting D. Programming in Basic E. Input/Output and the Coding of Information F. Data Processing G. Computers in the Modern World
Computer and Information Technology in Information Processing and Presentation (20 hrs) 2.Computer Systems and Networking (16 hrs) 3.Internet and its Applications (16 hrs) 4.Basic Programming Concepts (18 hrs) 5.Social Implications of Computer and Information Technology (10 hrs) Algorithm and Programming (30 hrs) Organisation of Computer (30 hrs) Data Communications and Networking (30 hrs) Multimedia Production and Web Authoring (30 hrs) Coursework (10 hrs) Core Module (80 hrs) Grand total: 120 hrs Elective Module (30 hrs): Choose any one from the four
Strengths: TAS (Teacher Assessment Scheme) Continuing assessment by which a wide range of students ’ abilities and competency can be assessed Allow more authentic work Curriculum Outline for the new S4-5 Computer and Information Technology
Strengths: The idea of meaningful and authentic learning of CS/IT is spelled out as one of the curriculum aims Curriculum Outline for the new S4-5 Computer and Information Technology
Strengths: The idea of meaningful and authentic learning of CS/IT is spelled out as one of the curriculum aims Curriculum Outline for the new S4-5 Computer and Information Technology
Strengths: While enabling students to build a firm conceptual foundation of CS/IT, the core/elective modular structure allows flexibility for students to develop their area of interests. Curriculum Outline for the new S4-5 Computer and Information Technology
Strengths: Develop students ’ high-order thinking skills through immersion into authentic activities Curriculum Outline for the new S4-5 Computer and Information Technology
Strengths: More commonly used programming languages in the workplace can be adopted by school. Curriculum Outline for the new S4-5 Computer and Information Technology
Strengths: Providing more hands-on experience for students Curriculum Outline for the new S4-5 Computer and Information Technology
Strengths: Providing more hands-on experience for students Curriculum Outline for the new S4-5 Computer and Information Technology
Weaknesses: Flexibility imply more resources are needed Flexibility to school ≠Flexibility to students teacher training Fairness of the the TAS scheme Curriculum Outline for the new S4-5 Computer and Information Technology
From Modernism to Postmodernism
Modernism vs. Postmodernism Diversification Weak Conceptual Linkage Fragmentation Challenges of the ICT Curriculum Content Volatility T: I can only teach the skills in using PhotoImpact without any sense of aesthetics….. T: I’m afraid of touching on those social issues since I have no undergraduate training related to this area! T: Students find it difficult in learning software packages since they share very little similarity …. T: It’s difficult to prepare notes since new version comes up every year!
Modernism vs. Postmodernism Reflection What are implications of these challenges to teaching and learning of the subject?