Turbo Codes COE 543 Mohammed Al-Shammeri
Agenda PProject objectives and motivations EError Correction Codes TTurbo Codes Technology TTurbo decoding TTurbo Codes Performance TTurbo Coding Application CConclusion Remarks
Introduction Motivation Can we have error free communication as much as possible. Can we reach Shannon Limit? Objectives Studying channel coding Understanding channel capacity Ways to increase data rate Provide reliable communication link
Turbo Codes History IEEE International Comm conf 1993 in Geneva Berrou, Glavieux. : ‘Near Shannon Limit Error-Correcting Coding : Turbo codes’ Provided virtually error free communication at data date/power efficiencies beyond most expert though
Turbo Codes History… Double data throughput at a given power Or work with half the power The two men were not known, “most were thinking that they are wrong in calculation” They realized that it was true. Many companies adopted, new compnaies started: turboconcept and iCoding 0.5 dB from Shannon limit at P e 10 -6
Communication System Structural modular approach Various components Of defined functions Channel Coding Source Coding Modulation Formatting Digitization Multiplexing Access techniques send receive
Channel Coding Accounting for the channel Can be categorized into Wave form signal design Better detectible signals. Structured sequences Added redundancy Objective: provide coded signals with better distance properties
Binary Symmetric Channel Special case of DMC : discrete input and discrete output; where input and output are {0,1} Memoryless : each symbol is affected d independently Hard decisions decoding P is related to the bit Energy p p p
Gaussian Channel descrete inputs with continuous property Noise get added to the signals passing through it Noise is a Gaussian random variable with zero mean and variance σ 2 The resulting pdf is Likelihood of u k
Why use ECC Consider the following trade offs Error performance vs. bandwidth High redendency consumes bw Power vs. bandwidth Reduction in E b /N 0 Data rate vs. bandwidth Higher rate
Shannon Theory Started the information Theory Stated the max data rate of a channel Error rate Power Did not say how! Clue : large data words in term of number of bits: distance property
Error Correction Mechanisms Backward Error correction Error detection capability Communication cost Real time traffic Forward Error Correction Detection and correction of errors More complex receivers DSP cost
Forward Error Correction Block Codes Data split into blocks Checks are within the block Convolutional code Bit streamed data Involves memory Turbo codes Uses conv. Codes Special properties
Structured Redundency Channel encoder Channel encoder Input word k-bit Output word n-bit Redundancy = (n-k) Code rate = k/n codeword Code sequence
Coding advantages PnPn E b /N 0 dB uncoded coded Coding gain
Coding disadvantages More bandwidth due to redundant Processing Delay Design Complexity
Error Correction Codewords : points in hyperspace Noise can alter some bits : displacement If two words are close to each other, and if an error occurs so that one can fall into the other; decoding error Keep large differences Decoder complexity !
Hyperspace and Codewords Hamming distance Same word
Good Codes Random If we set 1000 bits per word , astronomical number No way with conventional coding schemes
Turbo codes 30 years ago. Forney Nonsystematic Nonrecursive combination of conv. Encoders Berrou et al at 1993 Recursive Systematic Based on pseudo random Works better for high rates or high level of noise Return to zero sequences
Turbo Encoder Input RSC Interleaver Systematic codeword random X Y1 Y2
Turbo codes Parallel concatenated The k-bit block is encoded N times with different versions (order) Pro the sequence remains RTZ is 1/2 Nv Randomness with 2 encoders; error pro of Permutations are to fix d min
Recursive Systematic Coders Copy of the data in natural order Recursive S1S2S3 Data stream Systematic Calculated parity bits
Return to zero sequences Non recursive encoder state goes to zero after v ‘0’. RSC goes to zero with P= 1/2 v if one wants to transform conv. into block code; it is automatically built in. Initial state i will repeat after encoding k
Convolutional Encoders Input stream Modulo-2 adder Output serialized stream 4 stage Shift
Turbo Decoding
Criterion For n probabilistic processors working together to estimate common symbols, all of them should agree on the symbols with the probabilities as a single decoder could do
Turbo Decoder
The inputs to the decoders are the Log likelihood ratio (LLR) for the individual symbol d. LLR value for the symbol d is defined ( Berrou) as
Turbo Decoder The SISO decoder reevaluates the LLR utilizing the local Y1 and Y2 redundancies to improve the confidence The value z is the extrinsic value determined by the same decoder and it is negative if d is 0 and it is positive if d is 1 The updated LLR is fed into the other decoder and which calculates the z and updates the LLR for several iterations After several iterations, both decoders converge to a value for that symbol.
Turbo Decoding Assume U i : modulating bit {0,1} Y i : received bit, output of a correlator. Can take any value (soft). Turbo Decoder input is the log likelihood ratio R(u i ) = log [ P(Y i |U i =1)/(P(Y i |U i =0)] For BPSK, R(u i ) =2 Yi/ (var) 2 For each data bit, calculate the LLR given that a sequence of bit were sent
Turbo Decoding Compare the LLR output, to see if the estimate is towards 0 or 1 then take HD
Soft in/ Soft out processor At the heart of the decoder Represent all possible states of an encoder (trellis) Number of states at a particular clock is 2 n ; n = # of flip flops used in the SR Trellis shows: Current state Possible paths lead to this state
SISO Label all branches with a branch metric Function of processor inputs Obtain the LLR for each data bit by traversing the Trellis Two algorithms : Soft output Viterbi Algorithm (SOVA) Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) Log MAP
How Do they Work (© IEEE spectrum)
Turbo Codes Performance
Turbo Codes Applications Deep space exploration France SMART-1 probe JPL equipped Pathfinder 1997 Mobile 3G systems In use in Japan UMTS NTT DoCoMo Turbo codes : pictures/video/mail Convolutional codes : voice
Conclusion : End of Search Turbo codes achieved the theorical limits with small gap Give rise to new codes : Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) Need Improvements in decoding delay