PBIS AGENDA Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS): Overview of PBIS at Benson Elementary What family members can expect What family and community members can do to engage in PBIS at home Resources and additional information
PBIS- WHAT IS IT? A process for creating safer and more effective schools Focuses on improving the entire school system Applies to everyone within the school setting, including all students, staff, and family members
PBIS GOALS To create environments that help students to achieve success To understand why problem behaviors are occurring in order to address them effectively To prevent problem behaviors, teach appropriate behaviors, and acknowledge the appropriate behaviors of all students, staff, and family members
PBIS MULTI-TIERED SYSTEM OF SUPPORT Tier 3: Intensive, Individualized Interventions & Supports The most intense instruction and intervention based on individual student need, in addition to and aligned with Tier 1 & 2 academic and behavior instruction and supports. Tier 2: Targeted, Supplemental Interventions & Supports More targeted instruction/intervention and supplemental support, in addition to and aligned with the core academic and behavior curriculum. Tier 1: Core Instruction & Supports General academic and behavior instruction and support provided to all students in all settings.
DATA-BASED PROBLEM-SOLVING PROCESS Step 1: Problem Identification Step 2: Problem Analysis Step 3: Intervention Design Step 4: Response to Intervention Why is it occurring? What’s the problem? What are we going to do about it? Is it working?
BENSON EXPECTATIONS 1. Be Kind. 2. Be Safe. 3. Be Responsible
TIER 1 BENSON EXPECTATIONS & RULES Setting Be KindBe SafeBe Responsible All Use good manners Be respectful and courteous Be helpful Wait patiently Use kind words Walk quietly to destination Keep your hands, feet, & objects to yourself Stay or sit in assigned area Give your best effort Be on task Clean up after yourself Respect the belongings of others Assemblies Show appreciation Sit or stand quietly Follow directions Stay with assigned group Set a good example Be a good participant Classroom Raise your hand Wait your turn Be a good listener Use quiet voice Enter and exit quietly Use materials and equipment properly Follow classroom rules Work quietly Use restroom at recess Listen to all announcements Computer Lab Be a good listener Work quietly Use equipment appropriately Work only on your computer Leave equipment ready for the next student Library Be a good listener Use a quiet voice Enter and exit quietly Sit quietly Return library books on time Reshelf books in their proper location Handle library books with care Lunch Area Use quiet voice Use good table manners Listen and follow directions from lunch duties Eat your own food Wait silently in lunch line Walk with food to lunch tables Eat snack and lunch at assigned grade level tables Keep all food and wrappers in your tray or lunch box Wait for table to be excused by lunch duty Playground Use good sportsmanship Take turns Walk on the blacktop Use materials and equipment properly Follow playground rules Freeze to knees at 1 st bell Use restroom and drinking fountain before final bell Walk quietly and promptly to lines Restroom Respect privacy Use quiet voice Use materials and equipment properly Wash your hands Keep area clean Use restroom and drinking fountain before final bell Flush toilet Waiting Area Use good manners Be respectful and courteous Wait patiently Use quiet voice Use kind words Walk on sidewalk Use crosswalk Follow teacher directions Walk bikes on campus Before school wait quietly in morning lines After school sit quietly in flag pole area Walkers go directly home after school Walkways Respect the learning time of others Walk outside yellow line Stay out of planters Walk quietly with purpose Lunch Line Area Use good manners Listen and follow all directions Wait silently in lunch line Walk with food to lunch tables Learn lunch code Take food for yourself only