Moving from Puritanism to Rationalism Bye Bye, Age of Faith!
Well, sort of… The Puritan Legacy Incredible work ethic / self- reliance Incredible work ethic / self- reliance A belief that our purpose in America is sanctioned by God (the city on the hill manifest destiny) A belief that our purpose in America is sanctioned by God (the city on the hill manifest destiny) The need for moral justification for private, public, and governmental acts. The need for moral justification for private, public, and governmental acts. A sense that we are morally superior – especially if we have had material success on earth A sense that we are morally superior – especially if we have had material success on earth The Questing for Freedom - personal, political, economic, and social. The Questing for Freedom - personal, political, economic, and social.
Hello! Rationalism The Age of Reason
The best way to be good is… To use your logic and reason to improve your own and others’ lives To use your logic and reason to improve your own and others’ lives Focus is on the PRESENT Focus is on the PRESENT
Tinkers and Thinkers New ideas had been arising in Europe and were challenging the faith of the Puritans. The Age of Reason began with philosophers and scientists of the 17th and 18th centuries who called themselves Rationalists.
Home-grown Thinkers “[H]ome-grown practicality and an interest in scientific tinkering or experimenting....thrived in American colonies.” Early Colonists had to be thinkers and tinkers to survive; “they had to make do with what they had, and… had to achieve results.”
If I’m a Rationalist… I BELIEVE… Human beings can arrive at truth by using reason, rather than by relying on the authority of the past, on religious faith, or on intuition. Man is basically good, and capable of great things! Man is basically good, and capable of great things!
I, the Rationalist, also believe……… Man is a tabula rasa, or blank slate– humans can be PERFECTED through effort and the use of reason Man is a tabula rasa, or blank slate– humans can be PERFECTED through effort and the use of reason I can improve myself NOW and I can improve the world around me NOW. Rationalists focused on the PRESENT as opposed to the hereafter. I can improve myself NOW and I can improve the world around me NOW. Rationalists focused on the PRESENT as opposed to the hereafter.
Rationalism and Revolution Rationalists believed democracy was the BEST form of Government. (Down with Theocracy!) Rationalists believed democracy was the BEST form of Government. (Down with Theocracy!) The American struggle for independence was justified by rationalist principles. The Declaration of Independence bases its arguments on rationalist assumptions about relations between people, God, and natural law.
Puritanism vs. Rationalism Puritanism “God [is] actively and mysteriously involved in the workings of the universe.” Rationalism Sir Isaac Newton said God is a “clockmaker”. God’s special gift to humanity was reason – “the ability to think in an ordered, logical manner”
God is like a Clockmaker God is not ACTIVELY involved in my daily life. He set things in motion, but it is up to US to use our logic and reason to discover the truths about the world and human beings. God is not ACTIVELY involved in my daily life. He set things in motion, but it is up to US to use our logic and reason to discover the truths about the world and human beings.
DEISM God is accessible to ALL men at ALL times. God is accessible to ALL men at ALL times. The universe is “orderly and good”. Every individual is perfectible through the use of reason God’s objective was “the happiness of his creatures.” The best form of worship was to do good for others.
Smallpox Plague Outbreak in 1721 was equivalent to our problem with AIDS today. Cotton Mather (natural science and medicine as well as minister) was accredited with pushing a non-traditional method of inoculation as a cure. The method was highly criticized and debated (Mather’s house was even bombed). Even though the treatment was controversial, it worked.
The Smallpox Plague The controversy illustrates two interesting points about American life in the early 18th century: Contradictory qualities of the American character existed side by side (Ex: Cotton Mather, Puritanism vs. belief in scientific progress) A practical approach to social change and scientific research was necessary in America.
The Self-made Man/Woman Rationalism built the archetype of the “self-made man/woman” Rationalism built the archetype of the “self-made man/woman” Masterpiece of the Age of Reason –Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography (written as an autobiographical narrative) – It’s the original story of the American self-made man
The self-made country? Pamphlets - “[L]iterature was intended to serve practical or political ends.” Following the Revolutionary War ( ) – “organizing and governing the new nation were... the most important”
This is ‘Progress,’ man Rationalism came into its own in the 1750’s– Puritans were still around, but this was a movement away from those beliefs into a more secular and scientific view of the world. Rationalism came into its own in the 1750’s– Puritans were still around, but this was a movement away from those beliefs into a more secular and scientific view of the world. “American thought had to be thought in action.” Americans wanted to “improve the public welfare by being willing to experiment, to try things out, no matter what the authorities might say.”
Franklin’s Autobiography 1. Describe Franklin’s style of writing, citing examples to support what you say. Contrast it to the Puritan style. 2. What personal qualities does Franklin emphasize in his description of his “Arrival in Philadelphia”? 3. What is Franklin’s plan for “Arriving at Moral Perfection”? 4. Which of the virtues Franklin outlines do you believe your generation most needs to improve on? Explain your answer.
Rationalism It’s all about the LOGIC
If I’m a Rationalist… I BELIEVE…
I also believe………
My focus and emphasis is on... The present time: The present time: I can improve myself…
My attitudes about God are... Deist: Deist: BUT BUT God is not ACTIVELY involved in my daily life. He set things in motion, but it is up to ME to discover the truths about the world and human beings. God is not ACTIVELY involved in my daily life. He set things in motion, but it is up to ME to discover the truths about the world and human beings.