Study on the implementation of the European Regulation (EC) N° 1370/2007 on public passenger transport services by rail and by road of 23 October 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Study on the implementation of the European Regulation (EC) N° 1370/2007 on public passenger transport services by rail and by road of 23 October 2007 Avanzata Consulting Tél: +32(0)

Chapter I Short analysis of the former Regulation A Regulation where contracts were not compulsory A Regulation that left the competitive tendering or direct award question unsolved Avanzata Consulting Tél: +32(0)

Chapter II Scope of Regulation 1370/07 To whom the Regulation rules are addressed: - Member States and competent authorities Circumstances under which the Regulation rules must apply: - public passenger transport services - subject to public service obligations - requiring financial compensation and/or exclusive rights  Table on the application of Reg. 1370/07 Avanzata Consulting Tél: +32(0)

Chapter III Public service contracts Regulation makes public service contracts almost everywhere mandatory No contract is needed in deregulated markets Possibilities to have tariff obligation without public service contract : Art. 3(2) and 3(3) Tables on situations in which the signature of a public service contract is needed or not Public service contracts may have various names or forms Avanzata Consulting Tél: +32(0)

Chapter III Public service contract Minimum content of contracts : - Transparency on public service obligations - Transparency on allocation costs and revenues - Transparency on social and quality standards -Transparency on subcontracting - Duration of contracts - Transparency on compensation calculation Avanzata Consulting Tél: +32(0)

Chapter IV Rules for the award of public service contracts Coordination with public procurement procedures Competitive tendering of the contract Direct award to an internal operator of metro, tram and bus services : conditions and counterparts Direct award of rail services Direct award of low value contracts Avanzata Consulting Tél: +32(0)

Chapter V : Publication obligations Chapter VI : Legal protection and review procedures Chapter VII : Transition period Conclusion Avanzata Consulting Tél: +32(0)

Case studies The award of a new regional rail contract in the Catalan region during the transition period Remaining issues related to opening up competition of the regional railway transport market – at the example of France : -Access to rolling stock -Access to rolling stock maintenance facilities -Access to stations and to their services -Social aspects Avanzata Consulting Tél: +32(0)

Agenda Final version available mid December and will provide : -missing Chapter on transition period and publication obligations -Language check -EMTA members contributions to the different questions highlighted by the consultant in the November version -An Annex on new National legal frameworks? Avanzata Consulting Tél: +32(0)

Thank you for your attention ! Avanzata Consulting Tél: +32(0) Thomas Avanzata Avanzata Consulting 101 rue Dansaert 1000 Bruxelles Tél (0)