The Grand Canyon The Grand Canyon By: Meaghan Shaw
What (and where) is the Grand Canyon? The canyon is located in Arizona. It is a very large, rocky canyon. So let’s get going with the “virtual tour.”
How deep is it REALLY?? How deep is it REALLY?? This Canyon is as deep as…………. 1 MILE!!!!!! Can you believe it? Because it IS really hard to believe!!!!!! He he he he!!
How many people go there each year?? Five million people go to the Grand Canyon EACH YEAR!!!!! It’s a real attraction!
How was it made? The Colorado River went through the canyon once. It washed away lots of rock and made the canyon. The Colorado River went through the canyon once. It washed away lots of rock and made the canyon.
How long is it? IIt is quite long! Here is a math problem for you to solve to see how long it is. 225 x 2x 2 x 2 +( 7 x 11) =………277 MILES LONG!!!!! Go math!!
Credits Animation by: Kids Inc. Writing by: Kids Inc. Pictures by: Kids Inc. This great, superb, fantastic, beastly slide show by: Meaghan Shaw Peace out Ya’ll!!!!!!! Have a sweet day!!!