AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report GSNMC Monitoring Results 2014 Report to AOPC-XX, Zurich, Switzerland, March 2015 Doc Agenda item 7.1 Nozomu Ohkawara and Andreas Becker Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), Offenbach am Main, Germany based on the GSNMC Monitoring Report for 2014 prepared by Mr. Udo Schneider (GSNMC DWD) and Ms. Ayako Takeuchi (GSNMC JMA)
Outline GSNMC data base CLIMAT reception in 2014 Timeliness of CLIMAT reports in 2014 QC and data quality of CLIMAT reports in 2014 Temperature data Precipitation data Conclusion and Outlook AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report
GPCC GTS Monitoring Results Current overall CLIMAT stations (2.885 RBCN stations + ca. 150 ANTON stations) GSN Start of GSN Monitoring Total CLIMAT arrival rate at GPCC increased since start of GSN monitoring activities in 1999 from ca. 60% up to almost 90% of the CLIMAT (RBCN + ANTON) stations in recent years AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report
GSNMC Monitoring Results Development of the GSN-CLIMAT arrival rate (DWD and JMA) The global arrival rate increased from 55% in early 2001 up to more than 70% since year 2005 AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report
GSNMC Monitoring Results Slight increase of the global GSN arrival rate up to 80% or more in 2009 Data receipt in 2008/2009 in comparison to earlier period by WMO region: + RA VI Europe (increase to ca. 95%) + RA II Asia (slight increase to ca. 90%) +- RA IV North/Central Amer. (stable at 95%; with exception Sept./Oct. 2009) + RA V SW Pacific (slight increase to 80-85%) + RA III South America (slight incr. to 70-80%) ++ Antarctica (significant increase to 70-85%) +- RA I Africa (stable at 50%, still quite poor) AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report
GSNMC Monitoring Results Gradual increase of global GSN arrival rate to 80% or more since 2010 Data receipt in 2013 in comparison to earlier period by WMO region: +- RA VI Europe (stable at ca. 90%) +- RA II Asia (stable at ca. 90%) + RA IV North/Central Amer. (slight incr. to ca. 95%) +- RA V SW Pacific (stable at ca %) ++ RA III South America (increase to 80-95%) + Antarctica (slight increase to ca %) + RA I Africa (slight incr. to 50-60%, still poor) AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report
GSNMC Monitoring Results 2013 & 2014 Stable GSN arrival rate at 80% but partly dropping to the end of 2014 Data receipt in 2014 in comparison to 2013 by WMO region: = RA VI Europe (stable at 85%) = RA II Asia (stable at ca. 90%) = RA IV North/Central Amer. (stable 95%) = RA V SW Pacific (stable at ca %) = RA III South America (stable >80%) =- Antarctica (stable >90%, but ending <90%) = RA I Africa (stable at 55% but ending below 50%) AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report
Arrival rate at DWD 2013 Total number of GSN stations in 2013: 1018 (1023 in 2012) CLIMAT reception in 2013 almost identical at DWD and JMA AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report
Arrival rate at DWD 2014 Total number of GSN stations in 2014: 1018 (1018 in 2013) CLIMAT reception in 2014 partly complem entary at DWD and JMA (RAIII and RAV) AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report
Arrival rate at JMA 2013 Total number of GSN stations in 2013: 1018 (1023 in 2012) AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report
Arrival rate at JMA 2014 Total number of GSN stations in 2014: 1018 (1018 in 2013) AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report
GSNMC Monitoring Results 2014 Arrival rate for 2014 at JMA, at DWD, and in total AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report
GSNMC Monitoring Results DWD 2013 Timeliness: Arrival rate day 1-5, day 6-8, day 9-20 AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report
GSNMC Monitoring Results DWD 2014 Timeliness: Arrival rate day 1-5, day 6-8, day > Overall arrival rate well above 80% similar to 2013
GSNMC Monitoring Results JMA 2013 Timeliness: Arrival rate day 1-5, day 6-8, day 9-20 Exceptionally high fraction of CLIMAT reports received after day 8 for Dec AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report
GSNMC Monitoring Results JMA 2014 Timeliness: Arrival rate day 1-5, day 6-8, day > Overall arrival rate improved compared to 2013 For Dec. 2014, <6 days arrival rate back to almost normal
GSNMC Monitoring Results 2014 Timeliness of the CLIMAT reports for the GSN stations overall and by region based on harmonized incoming CLIMATs at both GSNMCs over the period January to December 2014 RA I: Africa RA II: Asia RA III: South America RA IV: North/ Central America RA V: South West Pacific RA VI: Europe AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report
Data Quality - QC for air temperature and precipitation 2014 (JMA / DWD) Rate of erroneous data for temperature and precipitation elements reported in CLIMAT reports in 2014 for the different regions and global lowest error rate for mean temperature in RA IV (0.1%!!) and RA VI --> highest error rate for TM and RR in RA I (Africa) with 2.4% and 8.6% --> lowest error rate for precipitation (RR) in RA IV (1.7%) WMO region mean Temperature maximum Temperature minimum Temperature Precipitation RA I2.4%3.9%4.2% 8.6% RA II0.6%2.9%3.3% 5.3% RA III0.8%1.5%4.2% 5.1% RA IV0.1%0.3%0.5% 1.7% RA V1.5%3.4%3.9% 5.7% RA VI0.5%3.0%2.4% 1.8% Antarctica0.2%0.5% 7.6% Global0.8%2.4%2.8% 4.5% AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report
QC results for mean air temperature QC-flags of mean air temperature (%) in CLIMAT reports for the GSN stations for the different WMO RA’s and overall for the years 2004 to 2014 (left to right bar) 0.8 % of the mean air temperature data were not correctable (flag 5, “trash”) fffsf 5 – deleted after manual QC 4 – manually corrected 3 – ok in manual QC 2 – accepted by auto QC 1 – not controlled RA I RA II RA III RA IV RA V RA VI Antarctica Global QC-flags: AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report
QC results for precipitation QC-flags: QC-flags of precipitation data (%) in CLIMAT reports for the GSN stations for the different WMO RA’s and overall for the years 2004 to 2013 (left to right bar) 0.9% of precipitation data were not correctable (flag 5, “trash”), highest rate in RA IV (3.1%) and Antarctica (3.8%) RA I RA II RA III RA IV RA V RA VI Antarctica Global 5 – deleted after manual QC 4 – manually corrected 3 – ok in manual QC 2 – accepted by auto QC 1 – not controlled AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report
Remarks on QC and Data Quality The error rate (flags 4 + 5) is much higher for precipitation data (4.5%; back to 2012 value after being 4.1% in 2013 ) than for mean air temperature (0.8%, back to 2012 value after being at 1.2% in 2013 ) On the other hand most of these errors in the monthly precipitation data can be attributed to the known “factor 10” problem (precipitation amounts reported in 1/10 mm instead of mm) or a coding error (coding monthly precipitation totals <1 mm as ), which in almost all cases can be corrected The rate of erroneous reports that can not be corrected (flag 5, “trash”) is comparable in mean temperature data (0.5%; 0.8% in 2013) and precipitation data (0.4%; 0.9% in 2013) Error rates for monthly daily maximum and minimum temperature data has slightly increased to 2.4% and 2.8% compared to the respective 2013 values of 2.0% and 2.1% AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report
Conclusion and Outlook Some countries are reporting CLIMAT in BUFR code besides ASCII format (a few countries are including more information in BUFR code or reporting only in BUFR code) BUFR code should be included in GSNMC routine in future GSNMC routine is currently run for the (ca. 1000) GSN stations, should be extended to all RBCN stations in future AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report
For more information see the GSNMC Monitoring Report for 2014 (pdf) and the GSNMC homepage: AOPC-Meeting XX GSNMC Report