NORCONSTRUCT Reykjavik 17th August 2007. Norconstruct presentation  Initiative partners are (Steering Committee):  Denmark, Danish Authority for Enterprise.


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Presentation transcript:

NORCONSTRUCT Reykjavik 17th August 2007

Norconstruct presentation  Initiative partners are (Steering Committee):  Denmark, Danish Authority for Enterprise and Construction (EBST)  Sweden, FORMAS (Swedish Research Council  Sweden, BIC, Býggeriets Innovations Center – BIC advises the Swedish Authorities…  Finland, TEKES, Finish R&D&I agency  NICe, Nordic Innovation Center, participates in the Steering Committee as funding organisation. 5 extra flags wanted!

Concept  Norconstruct will develop as a network of national authorities formulating new policies and funding research.  The idea is to coordinate activities and influence construction R&D&I policies with a Nordic Point of view in Worldwide – including European Commission.  NICe is funding the secretariat of Norconstruct the next two years in cooperation with the Danish Ministry of Science and the Danish Authority of Enterprise and Construction.  EBST - secretariat of Norconstruct - coordination, organization and implementation

Project goals  Increase coordination and networking in the area of innovation policy.  Making sure that the Nordic Countries a heard on standardization interoperation ability aspects (especially on Digital Construction, 3D, RFID, etc.)  Increase Nordic influence and participation in FP7  Influence EU-policies in the early stages – coordination of Nordic approach to EU policies

Buzz words of Norconstruct  Low participation in FP6 – aiming to do better in FP7  Strengthen the Nordic dimension in European cooperation  Establish links and cooperation with Baltic countries /region

Vision for Norconstruct  Motivation for participation: - Wish to develop the construction sector  Norconstruct to be entry point for national contacts  If possible Norconstruct would like to be the mirror group for a Nordic Technology platform

Main focus areas  Support the Nordic Technology Platforms from a Nordic governmental side and encourage the platform to merge  FP7 - Increase participation and influence from a Nordic point of view.  Coordination of Nordic approach to EU policies - Support Nordic cooperation

Project activities  Identify key areas of interest in FP7 and promote them to the European Commission - agree on key areas and how to approach EU  Support of existing FP7 themes in relation to Nordic construction SMEs - support the creation of Nordic FP7 consortia

Questions ??? Thank you very much Project Leader Gustav Christoffer Jensen Danish Authority for Enterprise and Construction Mail: Website: /