1 Extra-Ordinary General Assembly 29 March 2015 FIM AFRICA
1)Algeria (FASM) 2)Botswana (BMS) 3)Egypt (ATCE) 4)Kenya (KMSF) 5)Libya (LMF) 6)Madagascar (FMM) 7)Morocco (FRMM) 8)Namibia (NMSF) 9)South Africa (MSA) 10)Tunisia (FTM) 11)Uganda (FMCU) 12)Zambia (ZMSA) 13)Zimbabwe (ZMSF) FIM Africa Members 2
Members with Voting Rights 1)Algeria (FASM) 2)Botswana (BMS) 3)Egypt (ATCE) 4)Kenya (KMSF) 5)Libya (LMF) 6)Madagascar (FMM) 7)Morocco (FRMM) 8)Namibia (NMSF) 9)South Africa (MSA) 10)Tunisia (FTM) 11)Zambia (ZMSA) 12)Zimbabwe (ZMSF ) 3
Quorum for Meetings Art of FIM AFRICA Statutes: “The quorum at a General Assembly (or Extra-Ordinary General Assembly) shall be at least one half plus one of the FMNs with the right to vote, being present” Quorum required: 7 FMNs with voting right being present (50% of 12 FMNs + 1) 4
Roll Call of FMNs 1)Algeria (FASM) 2)Botswana (BMS) 3)Egypt (ATCE) 4)Kenya (KMSF) 5)Libya (LMF) 6)Madagascar (FMM) 7)Morocco (FRMM) 8)Namibia (NMSF) 9)South Africa (MSA) 10)Tunisia (FTM) 11)Zambia (ZMSA) 12)Zimbabwe (ZMSF) 5
Conflict of Interest 6
2014 Financials/Audited Financial s Total Revenue: $163,398 FIM Funding(excluding CMRF Grants): $79,729 FIM CMRF Grants : $68,341 (91%) Direct Revenue $15,328 (licences, events, interest, promotional items) (9%) 7
2014 Financials/Audited Financials Total Expenses excl. CMRF Projects : $106,462 Congress Expenses: $36,290 (34%) Rider Travel Grants: $25,986 (24%) Events (FMNR,Officials,trophies) $10,647 (10%) Flags, banners, promo items, website, gen.exp. $10,724 (10%) Seminars,Council meets.,S&T,translation $ 8,042 (8%) Admininistrative costs $14,773 (14%) (audit fee,bank charges, forex losses,printing/stationery, postage and courier, secretarial fees) FIM CMRF Projects- $65,144 8
2015 Budget – Revenue FIM administrative subsidy $76,250 FIM membership fees surrendered by FIM $ 8,500 Gen.Revenue (licences,permits,flags) $12,820 Total Revenue excl. CMRF Grants : $97,570 CMRF Grants – past & current - $49,110 9
205 Budget – Expenses Annual Congress$20,000 Council Meeting expenses$ 4,080 Seminars, Event Expenses (officials, FMNR)$ 6,650 MXoAN Rider Travel allowance$15,000 XCoAN Rider Travel allowance$ 5,500 Administrative costs$23,910 Financial Costs$ 1,600 Total Expenditure excluding CMRF Grants : $76,740 (excl. cost of Extra-Ordinary General Assembly) CMRF Grants – past and present : $67,510 (CMRF Grants – past & present - $67,510) 10
Decreasing Expenditure Urgent Review of Statutes Compliance with FIM Statutes and removal/amendment of outdated articles, review of internal structure(s) Current number of delegates and Commissions compared to 1999 General Assembly attendance – criteria for accommodation & travel payments of delegates Number of members per Commission Decreasing number of days of GA (agreed to at 2014 GA) 11
Decreasing Expenditure Urgent Review of By-Laws Evaluate all current championships and criteria Set ceiling for number of seminars per annum and train experienced officials to conduct seminars in own/neighbouring countries FIM AFRICA appointed Officials to be from neighbouring country (travel costs) 12
Decreasing Expenditure Urgent Review of Fees & Allowance Schedule Number of Classes (MX and Cross Country) compared to 2008 (Rider Travel Allowances) Clearly define criteria (including in Statutes) of “active delegates and FMNs” Consider initial proposed amendments tabled and approved at 23 February Council meeting 13
Elections Procedure Ballot Form Appointment of Independent Scrutineers Voting Counting/verification of votes 14
Elections Announcement of results (destroy ballot papers) Handing over of Presidency 15