Queen of Angels Catholic School Roswell, Georgia Kathryn B. Wood, PhD Principal WELCOME TO INTERNATIONAL WEEK
School Facts Elementary/Middle School – K students, 63 Faculty and Staff, 332 families Located in Roswell, Georgia, 20 Miles north of Atlanta. 27 teachers, 11 paraprofessionals, a media specialist, guidance counselor, nurse, cafeteria staff and custodial staff. The administrative team consists of the Principal, Assistant Principal, Curriculum Coordinator, Business Manager and Development Director. ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) and ACRE (Assessment of Catechesis and Religious Education) We share a one hundred acre campus with a high school, a Church and a Retirement Home.
Purpose of International week A school wide (K-8), week long, volunteer driven program Created 5 years ago to help students embrace the faith and cultures of other countries. Provides teachers with academic enrichment for students without adding to teacher workload or draining funds from the school budget. We focus on 5 countries (varying each year) that encompass the ethnic diversity of the school community as well as the world.
Flags and Banners
Student Hall Decorations
Student Participation
Parent Volunteers
Display Cases in Media Center
Music Appreciation
Summary Points School wide cross curricular experience Students become literate in the customs and cultures of other countries Promotes successful collaboration between the school and parents. Parents are recognized for their hard work within the school community and in national organizations.
NCEA Awards Ceremony