Rejoice in God’s goodness Struggles: flesh VS. spirit Hope Help Assurance
Cannot take God’s goodness for granted God adheres to His will We must submit
Wished Israel could be saved, 2, 3
Israel greatly blessed, 4, 5 Adoption, Deut. 32:6 Glory, Ex. 40:34-38 Covenants, Ex. 2:24; 24:7, 8 Giving of the Law, Deut. 5:3
Israel greatly blessed, 4, 5 Service: tabernacle, temple Promises, Acts 13:32, 33 Fathers: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob Christ, Lk. 1:30-33; Jn. 1:1
God’s Word did not fail, 6
Purpose fulfilled in spiritual Israel, 6-13 Isaac, not Ishmael, Gen. 21:12; Gal. 3:7, 8 Jacob, not Esau -Same parents -Choice not based on merit -National, not individual, Gen. 25:21-23; 1 Chron. 18:12, 13; Mal. 1:1-5
God is sovereign, Mercy, Ex. 33:19 Wrath, Ex. 9:16 Mercy VS. Hardened, Ex. 24:7; Prov. 28:13; Ex. 4:21; 8:15; 9:34
God is just, God’s prerogative, Jer. 18:1-12 Unjust for longsuffering? Unjust for mercy? Unjust for fulfilling His Word?
Gentiles have received mercy, 30 Heathen Obeyed, Acts 13:47, 48
Jews rejected the gospel, Pursued the Law without believing Rejected Christ, Acts 4:10-12
Rejoice in God’s goodness Struggles: flesh VS. spirit Hope Help Assurance
Cannot take God’s goodness for granted God adheres to His will We must submit