EDU 290 Miss Joki Pseudo High School - Classroom 173 Ink Techniques EDU 290 Miss Joki Pseudo High School - Classroom 173
Four Main Types Hatching Stippling Cross-hatching Scribbling Each technique is used to create form through the use of varied mark making.
Hatching The use of fine, parallel lines drawn closely together to create the illusion of shape or texture in a drawing. Click the following link to see a video demonstration of this technique: Hatching
More Hatching Hatching example 1 Hatching example 2
Cross-hatching An extension of hatching; uses at least two layers of intersecting lines to create shape or pattern in a drawing. Click the following link to see a video demonstration of this technique: Cross-hatching
More Cross-hatching Cross-hatching example 1 Cross-hatching example 2
Scribbling The use of a mark making tool to create random etchings on a page. Used to create the illusion of form or texture in a drawing. Click the following link to see a video demonstration of this technique: Scribbling
More Scribbling Scribbling example 1 Scribbling example 2
Stippling The use of several individual dots placed closely together in order to create shape or texture. Click the following link to watch a video demonstration of this technique: Stippling
More Stippling Stippling example 1 Stippling example 2
What do you think? What is your favorite technique? Where have you seen each technique in everyday life? Hatching Cross-hatching Scribbling Stippling Did you know ‘stippling’ in color is known as pointillism? Do you think any technique would work well in another medium? Which ones?
Assignment Your assignment for this section is three sketches per technique in your drawing journals. Sketches must be done in ink – remember to sign your ink wells, pens, and nibs in/out if taking them home Along with your sketches you must find one example (not given in this presentation) of each technique from outside the classroom Make sure to credit the artist/source correctly Glue the example to a blank page in your sketch book following each technique Answer the questions from the previous slide Write your answers on a blank page in your sketch book behind your technique sketches Due Monday 10/11/10 at the beginning of class