Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy The Medium Energy Program Outline: Program Overview Some Recent Results FY 2008 Funding Summary
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy The Medium Energy Subprogram Facilities: TJNAF – 12 GeV CD-2 Support Seven Laboratory Research Groups: TJNAF 3 Hall Research Staff ANL: Medium Energy (TJNAF, Hermes, ATTA), HE (RHIC-spin) BNL: RHIC-spin LANL: MiniBooNe, RHIC-spin Manage ~46 University grants ~ 100 Faculty / Research Staff ~ 45 Post Docs ~ 133 Graduate Students ~ 45 Undergraduate Students
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy Medium Energy Science Program QCD with Electron Beams: TJNAF MAMI Cornell GRAAL QCD with Proton Beams: RHIC-spin program Fermilab Drell-Yan E906 Precision Measurements: ATTA (charge radius of 6,8 He, EDM) The charge radius for 8 He has been measured for the first Radius is smaller than for 6 He and is consistent with a Green’s Function MC calculation. MiniBooNe (sterile neutrino) results exclude LSND result, low energy excess (<475 MeV) is being studied, anti- data running will continue thru nEDM several university groups participating
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy Scientific Accomplishments: Nucleon Structure YearMilestoneStatus 2008Make measurements of spin carried by the glue in the proton with polarized proton-proton collisions at the center of mass energy, √s NN = 200 GeV. Measurements at RHIC of A LL for inclusive jet and neutral production have been made which exclude large gluon polarization and are consistent with zero gluon polarization at √s NN = 200 GeV. 2008Extract accurate information on generalized parton distribution functions for parton momentum fractions, x, from , and –t < 0.5 GeV 2 in measurements of DVCS. Early measurements have been made at TJNAF with a simple extraction of the H GPD and data have demonstrated a sensitivity to the GPD. 2009Complete the combined analysis of the available data on single , , and K photo-production of nucleon resonances and incorporate the analysis of two-pion final states into the coupled channel resonance analysis Large data set collected over the past few years in Hall B at TJNAF. Presently collecting polarized data. Analysis requires significant coordination with theory which is underway. Excited Baryon Analysis Center established at TJNAF in Determine the four EM form factors of the nucleons to Q 2 < 3.5 GeV 2 and separate the electroweak form factors into u,d and s quarks for Q 2 < 1 GeV 2. EM form factors have been measured out to Q 2 of 4 GeV 2. With the completion of the G0 and HAPPEX III experiments, the flavor separation should be completed by Measure the lowest moments of the unpolarized structure functions (both l and t) to 4 GeV 2 and the DIS polarized structure functions (g1, g2) in the range 0.2< x < 0.6 and 1< Q 2 < 5 GeV 2 for p and n. Q 2 evolution of the GDH sum rule (Q 2 < 3 GeV 2 ) and measurements of A 1 (x < 0.6, Q 2 = 5 GeV 2 ) have been made for both the proton and neutron.
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy Medium Energy Budget Breakout
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy FY07 Grant Funding Profiles
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy Summary FY2008 research funding down by ~2.3% compared to FY2007; but grants and most lab groups maintained at FY2007 funding levels. FY2009 research funding will be bleak if we have a year long CR. Brad Plaster from the University of Kentucky was one of three OJI award winners this year for his work on nEDM!