G050 – Lecture 05a Task A & B Feedback 2010 Mr C Johnston ICT Teacher
Session Objectives Illustrate and clarify the common problems with task A and B
Overview Organisation Many did not have an introduction nor were page numbered All work was submitted in a suitable folder with a mark sheet Appendices missing from task A Some still had titles and subtitles STILL underlined – WHY??? At least one person needs to learn how to use a hole punch!!! Quality Most work was rushed MOST work was incomplete although by varying degrees Depth was lacking in many explanation – this is A2 Level work not AS Designs are looking good but some not as good – hardly anybody had two complete design sets.
Task A - Description Depth Audience and purpose was often only a couple of lines Need to describe in depth the following tactics / design features used: Navigation House style Interactivity Colour and text Graphics Sound Video / animation Readability and help facilities should be added, what about installation and system requirements???? Accessibility is a general term used to describe the degree to which a the product is accessible by as many people as possible. Usability is how easy the product is to use.
Task A –Screen Shots For the sake of it – no annotation telling me what they are, Non at all - how do I know what the product looks like, Best practice is to have a few overview screen shots at the start so I get a flavour of the product, then use little screen shots to illustrate your points e.g. the navigation system, Ensure you manage to manipulate the text boxes correctly.
Task A - Evaluation +Ve / -Ve points not critical enough Should be writing about each of the tactics (slide 4), accessibility, usability, suitability for purpose Improvements often a little “wishy washy” – base them on the bad points you have found.
Task A – Ideas For Own Product Some people included a nice table….. Very generic though – must be specific ideas not just sound, video, drag and drop, rollovers!!!! Need specific ideas from each product and tell me exactly why / why not you will use them
Task A - Comparison of Products Not a lot of comparison of the products nor a conclusion at the end to state what makes a multimedia product, Perhaps set the comparison out as a table then conclude at the end.
Task Bi – Designs Generic The designs of products need to include: Storyboards (the sheet I made) A script / content (if content not clear on the designs) Structure / Navigation Diagram House style information (if not clear from storyboards although no harm in including it) Task list (of the implementation stage) The designs need to be a different way of presenting the same product – perhaps will have different features games etc but it should be essential the same content not different!!! For band 3 content is important cant have a box stating facts – want to know what these are either on the storyboard or as a separate script
Task Bi – Designs Specific A bit more thought needs to got into the designs – some had too complex ideas – others limited, Content was sometimes an issue – needs to be presented in a way accessible for the audience – KS2 children – if unsure ask one, Content should also be present – a load of games may be fun but needs to reinforce something you have told them, Repetition – some of the activities were repeats – a drag and drop them a quiz asking the same thing – “I’m bored” said Jack, Quality – not quantity – 10 good quality scenes better than 20 poor ones Help facilities?? Make use of names entry / scoring
Task Bii – Design Decision This was missing from most work as designs were not complete!! Some basic comments and a decision is band 1, We all should be able to get band 3 by including a critical analysis of each design which includes: A step-by-step analysis of each designs features, considering good and bad points and how each suit the audience and purpose, a clearly argued explanation of why the final design was chosen.