God’s existence Shoebox Theology
The most important question: Who is God? Theism = God A = no Atheism = no God Mono = one Monotheism = one God Poly = many Polytheism = many gods Answer this and you will know a person’s basic worldview Worldview= beliefs about everything.
What worldview? Richard Gere- actor, Buddhist Phil Jackson- coach of Los Angeles Lakers, Buddhist Yin-Yang Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon “positive energy” “bad karma”
What worldview? Osama bin Laden- Muslim Extremist Jessica Simpson- Christian Bono, U2- Christian Hakeem Olajuwon- Muslim Ben Stiller- Jew
What worldview? Uma Thurman’s father- Hindu Tenchi Muyo- Japanese anime “honor the spirits” Walt Disney- astrologer Horoscopes: “what is your sign?” Witches
Shoe-box Theology Atheism Problems?- No purpose to your life/how did universe get here? Monotheism Problems?- What kind of God are you loving? Polytheism Problems?- Am I good enough, are the gods happy?
The most important question What God are you loving? Tell me your name which God you love and serve Why you believe in Him? Show me your evidence with Bible- verses? Experience Authority/Testimony Thoughts
What did we learn today? The most important thing is knowing God. Which one do you know? Atheism Monotheism Polytheism When you meet someone who is not a Christian, first question: What is your God like? LISTEN to them!