Anti-Semitism By:Kenzie Dickson
Beginning of Jews Well after the Bible was written, Jews were criticized and Christian people were always punishing Jews for trying to stay as a separate religious group. Jews wanted this so that they could keep to themselves. Christians hated Jews because Jews did not at all accept GOD, they would reject him.
Hatred Christians hated Jews because Jews did not at all accept GOD, they would reject him, for that Christians would call Jews Christ-Killers or Devils. Jews tried to accept him, but with all their heart, could not do it.
Accusements In the years of the Jews were accused of poisoning rivers and wells as well as causing diseases. Apparently Christian disliked, hated, and did not trust the Jews. The main reason of this was because Christian Said and heard stories of the Jews kidnapping children, taking there blood to drink it, and to make Matzoh a special powder, this was called Blood Libel. That was what Christians were calling Jews.
Germans Well in fact in the years of Germans wanted to kill every single person who was a Jew. If you were a child or grand child and you went from a Jew to being a Christian you got killed. Over six million Jews were killed in those years that’s more then one third of the Earths world.
What is Anti-Semitism First this is a little of Anti-Semitism. Aryans or whites believed that Jewish people destroyed everything exspecialy societies. Whites believed that Jewish people should not under any circumstances be let near, or to even do the same stuff. Whites believed that only them should be around. If you weren’t white you were either killed or put to prison for life. Jews would face the consequences or die trying. These are some of the Jew’s graves This is a Jew in a prison
Pictures This is a group of Jews. This is some of the hatred. This is just one of those jails Jews were put in. This is just one police department the Jews were taken to.