Christianity was the official new religion of the Roman Empire Rome was very tolerant of people practicing other religions if they worshiped the Roman gods too.
In 63 B.C., Rome had conquered Judea, where the majority of Jews lived.
Majority of Jews adopted and absorbed many Roman religious customs/ideas
The Jewish community did not like this and called for a strict interpretation of their religion. These people were called zealots and wanted Jews to revolt against Rome.
Rebellion was not successful. Roman forces destroyed city of Jerusalem. Jews were forced to leave their city. Spread of Judaism occurs.
Jesus Proclaims His Teachings Jesus was born around 4 B.C. in Bethlehem, Jerusalem. He worshiped God and followed the Jewish law.
Jesus Proclaims His Teachings His parables, or short stories, had a simple moral lesson to them.
Jesus Proclaims His Teachings He recruited 12 disciples, or close followers, to help him in his missions. He called them apostles, or Greek meaning “a person sent forth”
Jesus Proclaims His Teachings His teachings came from the Jewish traditions…justice, morality and service to others. He believed in one God and accepted the 10 Commandments
Jesus Proclaims His Teachings Roman authorities saw Jesus as a threat to the Roman empire. Romans arrests, tried and condemned Jesus to death by crucifixion.
The Message of Christianity Spreads The apostle Paul is credited with the spread of Christianity by traveling all around the world. His letters he wrote along the way are part of the New Testament.
The Message of Christianity Spreads Rome was not tolerant towards Christianity because they did not honor their Gods/traditions. People were often persecution and suffered/died for their beliefs. Martyrs
Bell Work!
The Message of Christianity Spreads Edict of Milan Granted freedom of worship to all of Roman Empire. Christianity is now accepted.