Ch. 6.3
Roman power came to Judea around 63 B.C. Rome made it a province in 6 A.D. Local affairs controlled by the Sanhedrin, local court A group called the Zealots wanted to rid Judea of Romans Others believed a Messiah was coming
Jesus was born between 6 and 4 B.C. in Bethlehem Grew up in Nazareth Began ministry at age 30 He stressed the importance of people’s love of God, their neighbors and their enemies Had twelve disciples, performed miracles Ignored wealth and status Many believed him to be the Son of God
Why was Jesus put to death?
Jewish religious leaders accused Jesus of blasphemy Pontius Pilate sentenced him to death by crucifixion Jesus rose from death after three days Appeared to followers Ascended to Heaven
The statement Simon Peter made about “who Jesus is” found in the gospel of Matthew 16: The belief that Jesus is the Christ (savior/messiah).
Who helped spread Christianity to the non-Jewish world?
What kinds of challenges did Christians face in the Roman Empire?
Paul (Saul) dedicated life to spreading and interpreting Jesus’ teachings A.D Nero blamed fire on Christians A.D. 66 – Zealots rebel A.D. 70 – Temple destroyed – today, only western portion of the wall still stands Apostles Peter and Paul put to death sometime after A.D. 60
Thousand crucified, burned, or killed by wild animals at circuses Martyrs inspired people to convert
How did Christianity spread so quickly?
Constantine conquers and gives credit to Christian God 113 A.D. – Edict of Milan Theodosius makes Christianity empire’s official religion Nicene Creed defined the Church’s basic beliefs