Created by: Jennifer Fischer This ‘how to’ presentation was created to serve as a learning tool for Campbell County Middle School Teachers. Copyright
“Backchannel communication is a secondary electronic conversation that takes place at the same time as a conference session, lecture, or instructor-led learning activity” (wikipedia)
It’s FREE. It’s ENGAGING! NO MORE OF THIS!!!! It provides a TRANSCRI PT (when archived) for ABSENT students EVERYONE LEARNS— ability to ask questions, hold discussions and share perspectives
Bandwith and Number of Users The larger the audience, the more distracting it can be. Classroom Management is essential. Need internet connection/access to device (laptop, smartphone etc.)
“In the past when I've shown Glory, I've stopped the movie at various intervals to discuss the students' reactions and questions. This week when I showed the movie, I set-up a back- channel using TodaysMeet. The back-channel allowed my students to record their reactions to what they saw while at the same time I was able to answer questions that arose as they watched.” ( Courtesy of : viewing-of.html)
Step 1 Decide which works for YOU.
SIGNUP-click on Login/Signup in top right corner
2. Fill in information, wait for confirmation with password (be patient) 3. Once you are logged in you can begin setting up your chat rooms. Once you have created a QUICK chat room you will be able to see it on your homepage. For ex:
4. Click on your chat room to EDIT, have fun with the options! When you are done PRESS ENTER ROOM
5. Once in the room I can decide how I want people to be INVITED. YOU CAN SEND AN TO STUDENTS or SHARE THE LINK
POSTING OPTIONS: Students can embed images, you can set it to multiple messages etc.
ACCESS AND PERMISSIONS: You can set this to certain s, invite only etc. ROOM PASSWORD: create a password for students to secure privacy ALLOW USERS TO: You determine how you control your ship. Do you want to preview the list, send out invites etc.
If you have questions feel free to ask or me! Ext 109