North American Croplands: Updates Richard Massey; Teki Sankey.


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Presentation transcript:

North American Croplands: Updates Richard Massey; Teki Sankey

Progress in PhD SemesterYearSessionJob DescriptionStatus 12013FallEnroll in Phd Program Course work Completed 22014SpringPhd Committee Program of study Course work Completed 2’2014SummerProfessional ExperienceCompleted 32014FallCourse WorkCompleted 42015SpringPhd Prospectus Written Comprehensive exams Course work Oral Comprehensive exams Completed Ongoing Pending 52015FallChapter 1Pending 62016SpringChapter 2Pending 72016FallChapter 3Pending 82017SpringDefensePending

Comprehensive exam: Written Paper: Knowledge based cropland classification using MODIS data at 250 m by iterative decision tree algorithms Proposal: Fast and efficient processing of high dimensional datasets using cluster based High Performance Computing (HPC)

Location of AEZ 6 AEZ 6

Richard Massey Update: 10/22/2014 Croplands of USA (Source: USDA CDL); FAO AEZ 6 Rainfed Classes of 2008: Spatial Distribution ClassRain-fed% AEZ% all crop US% maj crop USClassIrrigated% AEZ% all crop US% maj crop US 1Corn Corn Soybeans Soybeans Wheat (w) Wheat (w) Wheat (s) Wheat (s) Wheat (d) Wheat (d) Barley Barley Potatoes Potatoes Alfalfa Alfalfa Cotton Cotton Rice Rice

Richard Massey Update: 10/22/2014 Croplands of USA (Source: USDA CDL); FAO AEZ 6 Irrigated Classes of 2008: Spatial Distribution ClassRain-fed% AEZ% all crop US% maj crop USClassIrrigated% AEZ% all crop US% maj crop US 1Corn Corn Soybeans Soybeans Wheat (w) Wheat (w) Wheat (s) Wheat (s) Wheat (d) Wheat (d) Barley Barley Potatoes Potatoes Alfalfa Alfalfa Cotton Cotton Rice Rice

Methods: Classification Winter wheat Corn +Soybean NoAEZ=6 No Region subset (.shp) No Temporal/S pectral Window No Max NDVI location= 12±2 No Max NDVI (0.6<NDVI <0.9) Corn/Soyb ean Cropland extent Accuracy Assessme nt Change Paramete rs No Spring Wheat+Durum Wheat+ Barley NDVI Maximum NDVI window Classification window Unique NDVI 20,000 sample points/crop/AEZ NDVI spectra from CDL 2008 Rules for classifying spectra Grouping of similar crop spectra at 250m Decision tree based classification

Accuracy values for Rainfed: 5% of available pure pixel samples Corn + Soybean Spring Wheat+ Durum Wheat + Barley Winter Wheat AlfalfaCotton Other crop Non-cropunclassifiedTotal User’s Accuracy Corn + Soybean 19, ,1381,29024, Spring Wheat+ Durum Wheat + Barley 2122, , , Winter Wheat , ,4021,0136, Alfalfa Cotton Other crop ,894321,0043,383- Non-crop1,5071,8232, ,3954,152301,924- Unclassified1, ,719-8,699- Total24,0695,1836, ,383301,9248,673350,867- Producer’s accuracy

Accuracy values for Irrigated: 5% of available pure pixel samples Corn + Soybean Spring Wheat+ Durum Wheat + Barley Winter Wheat AlfalfaCotton Other crop Non- crop unclassifiedTotal User’s Accuracy Corn + Soybean 6, , Spring Wheat+ Durum Wheat + Barley Winter Wheat , Alfalfa Cotton Other crop ,028- Non-crop , ,154- Unclassified Total6, ,0477,8931,60918,653- Producer’s accuracy

Accuracy values for Rainfed crop: one-on-one comparison with CDL 2008 Corn + Soybean Spring Wheat+ Durum Wheat + Barley Winter Wheat AlfalfaCotton Other crop Non-crop Un- classified Total User’s Accuracy Corn + Soybean 401,78112, , ,60952,8921,290478, Spring Wheat+ Durum Wheat + Barley 7,88862,33214, ,56439, , Winter Wheat4,9762,00271,9902,0781,2116,05634,2421,713124, Alfalfa131,210323, , , Cotton1,7052, , , , Other crop259310, ,21910,0321,00463,719- Non-crop59,64367,21240,232192, ,013,7944,1526,188,124- Unclassified1, ,719-8,699- Total 478,009147,291138,9536,6888,76568,6296,160,2058,6737,017,213- Producer’s accuracy

Accuracy values for Irrigated: one-on-one comparison with CDL 2008 Corn + Soybean Spring Wheat+ Durum Wheat + Barley Winter Wheat AlfalfaCotton Other crop Non-crop Un- classified Total User’s Accuracy Corn + Soybean 109, ,0752,029124, Spring Wheat+ Durum Wheat + Barley 1982,3461, , Winter Wheat , ,2622,04017, Alfalfa , ,7914, Cotton , Other crop , ,52711,255- Non-crop7,8061,1224,7561, ,4547,118199,676- Unclassified ,2601, ,307-7,128- Total 120,0665,83717,6904,8811,49511,255195,67616,000372,900- Producer’s accuracy

Moving forward Ensemble of decision trees for each AEZ Rank each pixel for each crop type Final selection based on rank Refining of random samples for each AEZ for noise

Thank you!

Agro-ecological zones in the US

Derive training spectra from USDA Cropland Data Layer (CDL)op classification

Richard Massey Update: 10/22/2014 Rainfed Classes of 2008: AEZ6 ClassRain-fed% AEZ% all cropArea (hectares) 1Corn ,027, Soybeans ,784, Wheat (w) ,985, Wheat (s) ,936, Wheat (d) , Barley , Potatoes , Alfalfa , Cotton , Rice Total ,210,940.00

Richard Massey Update: 10/22/2014 Irrigated Classes of 2008: AEZ6 ClassIrrigated% AEZ% all cropArea (Hectares) 11Corn ,057, Soybeans , Wheat (w) , Wheat (s) , Wheat (d) , Barley , Potatoes , Alfalfa , Cotton , Rice , Total ,430,471.00

Corn + Soybean classification results Producer'sUser's CropTypevalidation Classified pixels CDL 2008 (resampled)Percent %Accuracy % corn + soybeanIrrigatedall pixels corn + soybeanRainfedall pixels corn + soybeanIrrigatedrandom 5% corn + soybeanRainfedrandom 5% Training pixels Validation pixels Corn +soybean 20,00023,990

Classification: Decision tree Winter wheat (AEZ6) NoAEZ=6 No Temporal/Spectral Window (4-18) No Max NDVI location=10±2 No Max NDVI (0.4<NDVI<0.8) Winter wheat Cropland extent Accuracy Assessment Change Parameters No

Classification: Decision tree Spring Wheat + durum wheat + barley (AEZ6) NoAEZ=6 No Temporal/Spectral Window (6-23) No Max NDVI location=12±2 No Max NDVI (0.5<NDVI<0.9) Sp wheat/ dur wheat/ barley Cropland extent Accuracy Assessment Change Parameters No

Classification: Decision tree Alfalfa(AEZ6) NoAEZ=6 No Temporal/Spectral Window (6-23) No Cum. NDVI > 8.5 No Max NDVI (0.7<NDVI<0.9) Alfalfa Cropland extent Accuracy Assessment Change Parameters No

Randomly selected pixels for training Rainfed crop type for 2008 ClassCropAEZ3AEZ4AEZ5AEZ6AEZ7AEZ8AEZ9AEZ10AEZ11Total 1Corn2,96910, ,969 2Soybean -1,02610,000 71,026 3Winter Wheat10,000 3,91210, ,996 4Spring Wheat10, ,008 5Durum Wheat-1,0057,44310, ,581 6Barley7,0188,5666,1279,3763,3832, ,750 7Potato5,9149,9221, , ,345 8Alfalfa10,000 9,2957,5652,9171,613-61,406 Total42,96849,49344,85849,62532,98830,9747,30521,753122

Random sample points for training Irrigated crop type for 2008 ClassCropAEZ3AEZ4AEZ5AEZ6AEZ7AEZ8AEZ9AEZ10AEZ11Total 11Corn1,0356,54110,000 3,60210,000 5,15166,329 12Soybean ,000 7,3331,96210,000 3,21752,654 13Winter Wheat2,08210,000 4,1323,3091, ,062 14Spring Wheat9563,1013,3871, ,488 15Durum Wheat Barley1,2391, ,989 17Potato2,1543, ,050 18Alfalfa3,7287,9045,9674,4232, ,632 19Cotton--4, ,0003, ,286 20Rice ,1637,08210,0001,5001,81628,634 Total11,19433,31044,74931,69931,83214,66940,61825,63510,306

Random samples for validation (Rainfed, AEZ6) CropClass Random sample (5 % of Pure crop pixels) Pure crop pixelsMODIS pixels RainfedCorn112,589250,491754,733 Soybean211,413228,335709,214 Winter Wheat35,242105,130372,152 Spring Wheat44,65993,211362,994 Durum Wheat51,54830,998105,626 Barley664112,76462,622 Potato Alfalfa83777,58681,822 Cotton92755,84725,811 Rice Other Crops213,42067,660288,803 Non Crops22310,8846,215,1917,766,576 All pixels 351,0517,017,34010,531,146 All crop pixels 40,167802,1492,764,570

CropClass Random sample (5 % of Pure crop pixels) Pure crop pixelsMODIS pixels IrrigatedCorn113,81077,497198,148 Soybean122,33246,569136,768 Winter Wheat ,69060,738 Spring Wheat142044,05515,635 Durum Wheat15651,2554,772 Barley ,923 Potato Alfalfa182464,88128,050 Cotton19921,4957,363 Rice Other Crops ,25568,125 Non Crops2410,259207,676407,208 All pixels 14,659295,567732,662 All crop pixels 4,40087,891325,454 Random samples for validation (Irrigated, AEZ6)

Classified map: AEZ 6 (rainfed) ClassRain-fed% AEZ% all cropArea (Hectares) 1Corn ,153, Soybeans 00 3Wheat (w) ,411, Wheat (s) ,210, Wheat (d) 00 6Barley 00 7Potatoes 00 8Alfalfa , Cotton 00 10Rice 00

Classified map: AEZ 6 (irrigated) Class Irrigated% AEZ% all crop USArea (Hectares) 111Corn ,857, Soybeans Wheat (w) , Wheat (s) , Wheat (d) Barley Potatoes Alfalfa , Cotton Rice 00