The University’s Partner in Student Outreach
Addressing Sexual Assault Colleges and universities are paying increased attention to sexual assaults – both how to prevent them and how to respond when they occur. The goal is to educate students about the dangers and consequences, as well as the many places they can turn for help (legal, law enforcement, medical, psychological). The Challenge: Come up with a product or communication strategy to address sexual assault. Your solution may address only a narrow aspect of sexual assault, or it can be a one-stop “clearinghouse” of information. Regardless of scope, it must be rooted in technological innovation (a mobile app, for instance, or a social media strategy). Your solution must address the costs of development and marketing, as well as ways that it can produce revenue to pay its way
An innovative program which simplifies the university’s process of providing required ongoing sexual assault education developing compliance software leveraging social media to eliminate disconnect between administrators and students Offering various tiers of products and services 1. Centralizes sexual assault related information 2. Disseminates information to the university community 3. Assesses the effectiveness of educational programing
Universities are complex organizations Information sharing across departments can be difficult Particularly problematic for Title IX coordinators* Students seeking information *tasked with making sure universities comply with federal regulations pertaining to campus sexual assault
Problem: No centralized system aggregating the educational activities No one-stop location for students to access all of the university resources Solution: Ally’s Tiers 1 and 2 solves these problems by providing Ally Compliance Database Software Customized Ally Website
Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (SaVE) Act: Went into effect March 7 th, 2014 Requires universities provide ongoing education to all students Current practice for reaching students is complicated or ineffective
Problem: Maintaining accurate housing records for off campus students is difficult ing information is ineffective Solution: Ally’s Tier 3 solves this problem by delivering ongoing sexual assault education via traditional* and geo-located social media *e.g., Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
PackageItemsCost Tier I Ally Compliance Database Software $1,000 Tier II Tier I items + Website Content Building $2,000 Tier III – Option A Tier II items + 1 month campaign $3,000 Tier III – Option B Tier II items + 3 month campaign $5,000 Tier III – Option C Tier II items + 6 month campaign $8,000 Tier IV Tier III item + Assessment Tier III cost + $2000 Web space renewal 2-year server space rental $500
Includes educational programs and assessment Does not include compliance software Does not include centralized resource website Does not meet the federal requirements for ongoing education Ally provides all of these
Ally resource websites have sections for LGBT, diversity, and women’s centers Ally can create educational messages which specifically target men, LBGT communities and other racial and ethnic groups Ally is able to reach students who cannot afford to purchase an app, smart phone or tablet Community colleges, regional campuses, or smaller universities without a Title IX coordinator can obtain our services improved sexual assault resources to their students
An innovative program which simplifies the university’s process of providing required ongoing sexual assault education developing compliance software leveraging social media to eliminate disconnect between administrators and students
A sustained over time Occur at different levels throughout the institution Utilize a range of strategies Include developmentally appropriate content for the specific audience Provide positive and concrete ways for individuals to get involved